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Imported cone clustering
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pandreetto committed Oct 16, 2024
1 parent 2f5f3ba commit 1e77d5f
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13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions CMakeLists.txt
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Expand Up @@ -60,6 +60,14 @@ IF( PANDORA_MONITORING )

OPTION( TBB_ENABLED "Use Intel TBB for internal parallelization" OFF )
MESSAGE( STATUS "Found TBB library")

### DOCUMENTATION ###########################################################

OPTION( INSTALL_DOC "Set to OFF to skip build/install Documentation" OFF )
Expand All @@ -77,6 +85,11 @@ ENDIF()
# add library
ADD_SHARED_LIBRARY( DDMarlinPandora ${DDMarlinPandora_SRCS} )


### INSTALL #################################################################

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247 changes: 247 additions & 0 deletions include/ParConeClusteringAlgorithm.h
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@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
* @file DDMarlinPandora/include/ParConeClusteringAlgorithm.h
* @brief Header file for the clustering algorithm class.
* $Log: $

#include "Pandora/Algorithm.h"

#include "Helpers/ClusterFitHelper.h"

#include "Objects/CaloHit.h"
#include "Objects/CartesianVector.h"

#include "LCUtility/KDTreeLinkerAlgoT.h"

#include <unordered_map>

using lc_content::KDTreeLinkerAlgo;
using lc_content::KDTreeNodeInfoT;

* @brief ConeClusteringAlgorithm class
class ParConeClusteringAlgorithm : public pandora::Algorithm
* @brief Default constructor

pandora::StatusCode Run();
pandora::StatusCode ReadSettings(const pandora::TiXmlHandle xmlHandle);

* @brief Fill the kd-trees we will use to do fast lookups of clusters
* @param none, just internal initialization
pandora::StatusCode InitializeKDTrees(const pandora::TrackList*, const pandora::CaloHitList*);

* @brief Use current track list to make seed clusters
* @param pTrackList address of the track list
* @param clusterVector to receive the addresses of clusters created (which could also be accessed via current cluster list)
pandora::StatusCode SeedClustersWithTracks(const pandora::TrackList *const pTrackList, pandora::ClusterVector &clusterVector);

typedef std::unordered_map<const pandora::Cluster*, const pandora::ClusterFitResult> ClusterFitResultMap;
typedef KDTreeLinkerAlgo<const pandora::CaloHit*, 4> HitKDTree;
typedef KDTreeNodeInfoT<const pandora::CaloHit*, 4> HitKDNode;
typedef KDTreeLinkerAlgo<const pandora::Track*, 3> TrackKDTree;
typedef KDTreeNodeInfoT<const pandora::Track*, 3> TrackKDNode;

* @brief Update the properties of the current clusters, calculating their current directions and storing the fit results
* in a provided map
* @param clusterVector vector containing addresses of current clusters
* @param clusterFitResultMap to receive the populated cluster fit result map
pandora::StatusCode GetCurrentClusterFitResults(const pandora::ClusterVector &clusterVector, ClusterFitResultMap &clusterFitResultMap) const;

* @brief Match clusters to calo hits in previous pseudo layers
* @param pseudoLayer the current pseudo layer
* @param relevantCaloHits the calo hits in the current pseudo layer
* @param clusterFitResultMap containing the current cluster fit results
* @param clusterVector vector containing addresses of current clusters
pandora::StatusCode FindHitsInPreviousLayers(unsigned int pseudoLayer, const pandora::CaloHitVector &relevantCaloHits,
const ClusterFitResultMap &clusterFitResultMap, pandora::ClusterVector &clusterVector);

* @brief Match clusters to calo hits in current pseudo layer
* @param pseudoLayer the current pseudo layer
* @param relevantCaloHits the calo hits in the current pseudo layer
* @param clusterFitResultMap containing the current cluster fit results
* @param clusterVector vector containing addresses of current clusters
pandora::StatusCode FindHitsInSameLayer(unsigned int pseudoLayer, const pandora::CaloHitVector &relevantCaloHits,
const ClusterFitResultMap &clusterFitResultMap, pandora::ClusterVector &clusterVector);

* @brief Get the "generic distance" between a calo hit and a cluster; the smaller the distance, the stronger the association
* @param pCluster address of the cluster
* @param pCaloHit address of the calo hit
* @param searchLayer the pseudolayer currently being examined
* @param clusterFitResultMap containing the current cluster fit results
* @param genericDistance to receive the generic distance
pandora::StatusCode GetGenericDistanceToHit(const pandora::Cluster *const pCluster, const pandora::CaloHit *const pCaloHit,
const unsigned int searchLayer, const ClusterFitResultMap &clusterFitResultMap, float &genericDistance) const;

* @brief Get the generic distance between a calo hit and a cluster in the same pseudo layer
* @param pCaloHit address of the calo hit
* @param pCaloHitList address of the cluster's constituent hit list
* @param distance to receive the distance
pandora::StatusCode GetDistanceToHitInSameLayer(const pandora::CaloHit *const pCaloHit, const pandora::CaloHitList *const pCaloHitList,
float &distance) const;

* @brief Get the smallest cone approach distance between a calo hit and all the hits in a cluster, using a specified
* measurement of the cluster direction
* @param pCaloHit address of the calo hit
* @param pCaloHitList
* @param clusterDirection
* @param distance to receive the generic distance
pandora::StatusCode GetConeApproachDistanceToHit(const pandora::CaloHit *const pCaloHit, const pandora::CaloHitList *const pCaloHitList,
const pandora::CartesianVector &clusterDirection, float &distance) const;

* @brief Get the cone approach distance between a calo hit and a specified point in the cluster, using a specified
* measurement of the cluster direction
* @param pCaloHit address of the calo hit
* @param clusterPosition the cluster position vector
* @param clusterDirection the cluster direction unit vector
* @param distance to receive the distance
pandora::StatusCode GetConeApproachDistanceToHit(const pandora::CaloHit *const pCaloHit, const pandora::CartesianVector &clusterPosition,
const pandora::CartesianVector &clusterDirection, float &distance) const;

* @brief Get the distance between a calo hit and the track seed (projected) position at the calorimeter surface, ONLY calculated if:
* 1) the calo hit is within the first m_maxLayersToTrackSeed OR
* 2) cluster contains a hit consistent with the track seed within the last m_maxLayersToTrackLikeHit
* @param pCluster address of the cluster
* @param pCaloHit address of the calo hit
* @param the pseudolayer currently being examined
* @param to receive the distance
pandora::StatusCode GetDistanceToTrackSeed(const pandora::Cluster *const pCluster, const pandora::CaloHit *const pCaloHit,
unsigned int searchLayer, float &distance) const;

* @brief Get the distance between a calo hit and the track seed (projected) position at the calorimeter surface
* @param pCluster address of the cluster
* @param pCaloHit address of the calo hit
* @param distance to receive the distance
pandora::StatusCode GetDistanceToTrackSeed(const pandora::Cluster *const pCluster, const pandora::CaloHit *const pCaloHit, float &distance) const;

* @brief Remove any empty clusters at the end of the algorithm
* @param clusterVector containing the addresses of all clusters created
pandora::StatusCode RemoveEmptyClusters(const pandora::ClusterVector &clusterVector) const;

* @brief kd-tree containing all tracks in given to the clusterizer
std::vector<TrackKDNode> m_trackNodes;
TrackKDTree m_tracksKdTree;

* @brief kd-tree containing all rechits given to the clusterizer
std::vector<HitKDNode> m_hitNodes;
HitKDTree m_hitsKdTree;

* @brief hashtable to look up hits in clusters
std::unordered_map<const pandora::CaloHit*, const pandora::Cluster*> m_hitsToClusters;

* @brief hashtable to look up hits in clusters
std::unordered_map<const pandora::Track*, const pandora::Cluster*> m_tracksToClusters;

unsigned int m_clusterSeedStrategy; ///< Flag determining if and how clusters should be seeded with tracks

bool m_shouldUseOnlyECalHits; ///< Whether to only use ecal hits in the clustering algorithm
bool m_shouldUseIsolatedHits; ///< Whether to use isolated hits in the clustering algorithm

unsigned int m_layersToStepBackFine; ///< Number of layers to step back when associating a fine granularity hit to clusters
unsigned int m_layersToStepBackCoarse; ///< Number of layers to step back when associating a coarse granularity hit to clusters

unsigned int m_clusterFormationStrategy; ///< Flag determining when to add "best" calo hit found to clusters
float m_genericDistanceCut; ///< Generic distance cut to apply throughout algorithm

float m_minHitTrackCosAngle; ///< Min cos(angle) between calo hit position and track projection
float m_minHitClusterCosAngle; ///< Min cos(angle) between calo hit position and cluster searchlayer centroid

bool m_shouldUseTrackSeed; ///< Whether to use track seed information in clustering
unsigned int m_trackSeedCutOffLayer; ///< Pseudo layer beyond which track seed is no longer considered
bool m_shouldFollowInitialDirection; ///< Whether the cluster should grow preferentially in its initial direction

float m_sameLayerPadWidthsFine; ///< Fine adjacent pad widths used to calculate generic distance to same layer hit
float m_sameLayerPadWidthsCoarse; ///< Coarse adjacent pad widths used to calculate generic distance to same layer hit

float m_coneApproachMaxSeparation2; ///< Maximum separation between calo hit and specified cluster position (squared)
float m_tanConeAngleFine; ///< Fine tan cone angle used to calculate cone approach distance
float m_tanConeAngleCoarse; ///< Coarse tan cone angle used to calculate cone approach distance
float m_additionalPadWidthsFine; ///< Fine adjacent pad widths used to calculate cone approach distance
float m_additionalPadWidthsCoarse; ///< Coarse adjacent pad widths used to calculate cone approach distance
float m_maxClusterDirProjection; ///< Max projection of cluster-hit separation in cluster dir to calculate cone distance
float m_minClusterDirProjection; ///< Min projection of cluster-hit separation in cluster dir to calculate cone distance

float m_trackPathWidth; ///< Track path width, used to determine whether hits are associated with seed track
float m_maxTrackSeedSeparation2; ///< Maximum distance between a calo hit and track seed (squared)

unsigned int m_maxLayersToTrackSeed; ///< Max number of layers to the track seed for trackSeedDistance to be calculated
unsigned int m_maxLayersToTrackLikeHit; ///< Max number of layers to a "track-like" hit for trackSeedDistance to be calculated

unsigned int m_nLayersSpannedForFit; ///< Min number of layers spanned by cluster before current direction fit is performed
unsigned int m_nLayersSpannedForApproxFit; ///< If current fit fails, but cluster spans enough layers, calculate an approximate fit
unsigned int m_nLayersToFit; ///< Number of layers (from outermost layer) to examine in current direction fit
float m_nLayersToFitLowMipCut; ///< Low cluster mip fraction threshold, below which may need to fit more layers
unsigned int m_nLayersToFitLowMipMultiplier; ///< Number of layers to fit multiplier for low mip fraction clusters

float m_fitSuccessDotProductCut1; ///< 1. Min value of dot product (current fit dir dot initial dir) for fit success
float m_fitSuccessChi2Cut1; ///< 1. Max value of fit chi2 for fit success

float m_fitSuccessDotProductCut2; ///< 2. Min value of dot product (current fit dir dot initial dir) for fit success
float m_fitSuccessChi2Cut2; ///< 2. Max value of fit chi2 for fit success

float m_mipTrackChi2Cut; ///< Max value of fit chi2 for track seeded cluster to retain its IsMipTrack status

unsigned int m_firstLayer; ///< cache the pseudo layer at IP

class ParConeClusteringAlgorithmFactory : public pandora::AlgorithmFactory
pandora::Algorithm *CreateAlgorithm() const {return new ParConeClusteringAlgorithm;};

6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@

#include "Api/PandoraApi.h"
#include "Pandora/StatusCodes.h"

#include "LCContent.h"
#include "LCPlugins/LCSoftwareCompensation.h"
Expand All @@ -29,6 +30,8 @@

#include "DDBFieldPlugin.h"

#include "ParConeClusteringAlgorithm.h"

#include <cstdlib>

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -296,6 +299,9 @@ pandora::StatusCode DDPandoraPFANewProcessor::RegisterUserComponents() const
PANDORA_RETURN_RESULT_IF(pandora::STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, LCContent::RegisterAlgorithms(*m_pPandora));
PANDORA_RETURN_RESULT_IF(pandora::STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, LCContent::RegisterBasicPlugins(*m_pPandora));

PANDORA_RETURN_RESULT_IF(pandora::STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraApi::RegisterAlgorithmFactory(*m_pPandora,
"ConeClustering", new ParConeClusteringAlgorithmFactory));

dd4hep::Detector& mainDetector = dd4hep::Detector::getInstance();
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