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1- Codicefiscale service (AWS)

Codicefiscale is a tax code that is used in Italy in english can be written as fiscal code. Here codicefiscale service calculates the fiscal code (Rules to calculate fiscal code) and is developed using KOTLIN + SPRING BOOT, which interacts with mongodb as backend database.
We are going to deploy this microservice on AWS in the following steps:

Step1: Provisioning a cluster

The tool eksctl CLI simplify to create cluster on EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service).

eksctl create cluster --name=polito-cluster --nodes=1 --node-type=t2.small

Execution of this comand creates one cluster named polito-cluster, that uses t2.small Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) like a worker node. After the cluster is ready, EKS connects to kubectl. We can check node to verify whether it is connected to the cluster or not.

kubectl get nodes

Step2: Deploying microservice

The first step of deploying to kubernetes is to build your microservice and containerize them. Go inside the directory fiscalcode

cd Tesina/fiscalcode

then, run the following command

docker build -t fiscalcode .

to create the image of microservice. In the above last command -t fiscalcode defines the name of the image and . is the position of Dockerfile e the code of our application. It executes the command step by step described in the Dockerfile.

Step3: Pushing the image to container registry

  • Authenticate docker client to your ECR (Elastic container registry). The folloeing command returns the password string and save in variable PASSWORD
    PASSWORD=$(aws ecr get-login-password)

  • Next, to get the aws-account-id and save in variable ACCOUNT using:
    ACCOUNT=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --output text --query "Account")

  • Configure your account using command docker login as follows
    docker login -u AWS -p $PASSWORD https://$

  • Once login succeeded in the previous command create a repository to archive the image
    aws ecr create-repository --repository-name fiscalcode

  • You need to tag your container images with the relevant data about your registry. Tag the image with the URI of the repository created in the previous command
    docker tag fiscalcode [fiscalcode-repository-uri]:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT

  • After tagging, push your image, remember to replace [fiscalcode-repository-uri], with your repository URI
    docker push [fiscalcode-repository-uri]:1.0-SNAPSHOT

Step4: Deploying the microservices

Now that image of container has been created, now distribute them using the definition of kubernetes resources. A definition of kubernetes risource is yaml file.

  • For this there are two yaml files one for mongodb and the second for fiscalcode service inside the directory /fiscalcode/kube/, move inside the directory and run the following command to deploy the resources as defined in the kube directory.
    kubectl apply -f kube
  • Before making a request to the [hostname]:32250, 32250 is the nodeport defined inside the fiscalcode/kube/knote.yaml, needs to modify the security group to allow the incoming traffic on port 32250.
    aws ec2 describe-security-groups --filters Name=group-name,Values="eksctl-polito-cluster-nodegroup" --query "SecurityGroups[*].{Name:GroupName,ID:GroupId}"
  • Take note of security group string from previous command and use in the following command to insert the rule in security group
    aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --protocol tcp --port 32250 --group-id sg-045d420e266e16b68 --cidr
  • Get the external ip from the following command and check it in the browser with
    kubectl get nodes -o wide

2- Registration Service (OCI)

This service saves the informations regarding user in database, like registration. The steps to deploy this microservice is almost the same as in the previous microservice. But it is deployed on OCI.

Step1: Create Cluster

To create the cluster in OCI, here I used terraform, in which defined all the possible parameters for authentication to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). Clone the repository and change the parameters according to your need

terraform.tfvars sample
api_fingerprint = "api fingerprint"
api_private_key_path = "private key"
region = "eu-frankfurt-1"
tenancy_id = "tenancy id"
user_id = "user id"
compartment_id = "compartment id"
label_prefix = "choose a labe prefix"
ssh_private_key_path = "path ssh private key"
ssh_public_key_path = "path ssh public key"
create_drg = false
drg_display_name = "drg"
lockdown_default_seclist = false
netnum = {
    bastion = 0
    cp = 2
    int_lb = 16
    operator = 1
    pub_lb = 17
    workers = 1
newbits = {
    bastion = 14
    cp = 14
    lb = 11
    operator = 14
    workers = 2
vcn_cidr = "choose a cidr" # example
vcn_dns_label = "oke"
vcn_name = "oke vcn"
bastion_access = "ANYWHERE"
bastion_enabled = true
bastion_image_id = "Autonomous"
bastion_notification_enabled = false
bastion_notification_endpoint = "email_address"
bastion_notification_protocol = "EMAIL"
bastion_operating_system_version = "7.9"
bastion_package_upgrade = false
bastion_shape = {
    shape = "VM.Standard.E3.Flex",
    ocpus = 1,
    memory = 4,     boot_volume_size = 50
bastion_state = "RUNNING"
bastion_timezone = "Europe/Rome"
operator_enabled = true
operator_image_id = "Oracle"
operator_instance_principal = true
operator_notification_enabled = false
operator_notification_endpoint = ""
operator_notification_protocol = "EMAIL"
operator_notification_topic= "operator_server_notification"
operator_package_upgrade = true
operator_shape = {
    shape = "VM.Standard.E3.Flex",
    ocpus = 1,
    memory = 4,
    boot_volume_size = 50
operator_timezone= "Europe/Rome"
operator_version = "8"
availability_domains = {
    bastion = 1
    operator = 1
tags = {
    vcn = {
        environment = "lab"
    bastion = {
        environment = "lab"
        role = "bastion"
    operator = {
        environment = "lab"
        role = "operator"
admission_controller_options = {
    PodSecurityPolicy = false
allow_node_port_access = false
allow_worker_ssh_access = true #false
cluster_access = "public"
cluster_access_source = ""
cluster_name = "oke"
check_node_active = "none"
dashboard_enabled = false
kubernetes_version = "v1.18.10" # we can upgrade cluster to "v1.19.7" later in this lesson
node_pools = {
    np1 = {shape="VM.Standard.E2.1",node_pool_size=1}
    np2 = {shape="VM.Standard.E2.1",node_pool_size=1}
node_pools_to_drain = [ "np1", "np2" ]
nodepool_drain = false
nodepool_upgrade_method = "out_of_place"
node_pool_name_prefix = "np"
node_pool_image_id = "none"
node_pool_os = "Oracle Linux"
node_pool_os_version = "7.9"
pods_cidr = ""
services_cidr = ""
use_signed_images = false
worker_mode = "private"
lb_subnet_type = "public"
preferred_lb_subnets = "public"
public_lb_ports = [80, 443]
waf_enabled = false
email_address = ""
secret_id = "none"
secret_name = "ocirsecret"
username = ""
calico_enabled = false
metricserver_enabled = true #false
vpa = {
    enabled = false,
    version = 0.8
use_encryption = false
existing_key_id = ""
image_signing_keys = ["ocid1.key.oc1....", "ocid1.key.oc1...."]
create_service_account = true
service_account_name = "kubeconfigsa"
service_account_namespace = "kube-system"
service_account_cluster_role_binding = "cluster-admin"

  • Once completed the file run the following commands to create the cluster on OCI
    terraform init
    terraform validate
    terraform plan
    terraform apply

  • In case of error in previous
    sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf
    then write

Step2: Create docker image and push on repository

  • Inside /Tesina/register run
    docker build –t register .
  • Authenticate docker client to your docker hub
    docker login
  • Tag image with the repository
    docker tag register mnakhtar247/register:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
  • Push the image on repository
    docker push mnakhtar247/register:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT

Step3: Deploying the microservice on OCI

  • To access OCI cluster locally, go to the OCI console search your cluseter in OKE with the name used in Step1 and check the local access command in Access. It'll be something like this
    oci ce cluster create-kubeconfig --cluster-id [cluster-id] --file kubeconfig --region eu-frankfurt-1 --token-version 2.0.0 --kube-endpoint PUBLIC_ENDPOINT
  • Run the following commands to deploy the resources as defined in /Tesina/register/kube directory
    kubectl --kubeconfig kubeconfig apply -f kube
  • Get the external ip from the following command and check it in the browser with
    kubectl --kubeconfig kubeconfig get nodes -o wide

3- User app service (Azure)

This service will call the endpoint of fiscalcode service (AWS) and registration service (OCI)

Step1: Provisioning a cluster

  • Running the following command creates an AKS cluster that is called polito-cluster with the resource group cloud-akhtar-tesina
    az aks create -g clud-akhtar-tesina -n polito-cluster
  • By default, three nodes are assigned to the node pool
  • To add nodes manually option --node-count -c can be added in the above command

Step2: Create docker image and push on repository

  • Inside /Tesina/userapp run
    docker build –t register .
  • Authenticate docker client to your docker hub
    docker login
  • Tag image with the repository
    docker tag register mnakhtar247/userapp:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
  • Push the image on repository
    docker push mnakhtar247/userapp:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT

Step3: Deploying the microservice on Azure

Now that your container images are built, deploy them using a Kubernetes resource definition.

  • Merge the credentials of your cluster into your current Kubernetes configuration by using the az aks get-credentials command. The default Kubernetes configuration file that is updated with your cluster credentials is located within the ~/.kube/config filepath
    az aks get-credentials -g clud-akhtar-tesina -n polito-cluster

  • Run the following commands to deploy the resources as defined in /Tesina/userapp/kube directory. Don't forget to update CF_URL and REG_URL values with external ip's of fiscalcode service and registration service respectively in file /Tesina/userapp/kube/knote.yaml
    kubectl apply -f kube

  • Get the external ip from the following command and check it in the browser with
    kubectl get nodes -o wide








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