This project was created so you can easy change your page content base on a language but maybe it has another usages...
1. Coming Soon
2. Run Test
Install JS
<!-- Proximus JS -->
<script src="proximus-min.js"></script>
Text change with class i18n, usage example:
<!-- Proximus will change the inside of the h1 tags to the one define in the language object -->
<!-- Proximus knows you want to change the inside of this because of the class 'i18n' -->
<!-- Proximus will take the 'id' and look for a key with that same 'id' and set it's value -->
<!-- Note: If the key is not found proximus will set the inside with the 'id' name -->
<h1 class="i18n" id="title"></h1>
<!-- If we use the configuration of the simple initialization example -->
<!-- Then this will be the result: -->
<h1 class="i18n" id="title">Hello world!</h1>
Text change with class i18nAtt, usage example:
<!-- Proximus will change the inside of the h1 tags to the one define in the language object -->
<!-- Proximus knows you want to change the inside of this because of the class 'i18nAtt' -->
<!-- Proximus will take the 'data-i18n' and look for a key with that same 'data-i18n' and set it's value -->
<!-- Note: If the key is not found proximus will set the inside with the 'data-i18n' name -->
<h1 class="i18nAtt" data-i18n="title"></h1>
<!-- If we use the configuration of the simple initialization example -->
<!-- Then this will be the result: -->
<h1 class="i18nAtt" data-i18n="title">Hello world!</h1>
Src change with class i18nImg, usage example:
<!-- Proximus will change the inside of the 'src' tag for what you specify in the language object if it's define -->
<!-- Proximus knows you want to change this because of the class 'i18nImg' -->
<!-- Proximus will take the data-i18n and look for a key with that same data-i18n and set it's value -->
<!-- Note: If the key is not found proximus will not change the src -->
<img class="i18nImg" data-i18n="logo" src="../img/placeholder.png"/>
<!-- If we use the configuration of the simple initialization example -->
<!-- Then this will be the result: -->
<img class="i18nImg" data-i18n="logo" src="../img/logo.png"/>
Simple initialization
// Create your language object
var langObj = {
"title":"Hello world!",
"logo": "../img/logo.png"
'title': "Hola mundo",
// Initialize Proximus
* 1. The language object is Required.
* 2. Default staring language is 'en'.
* 3. Default cookie is lng.
Complex initialization
// Create your language object
var langObj = {
"title":"Hello world!",
'title': "Hola mundo",
* 1. The language object ir Required.
* 2. Default staring language is 'en', but here I set it to 'es'.
* 3. Default cookie is 'lng', but here I set it to 'lang'.
proximus.init(langObj, 'es', 'lang');
// Note: If you like you can have diferent instance of proximus by setting diferent cookies and object
// Example:
proximus.init(langObj2, 'es', 'lang');
Utils functions
// You can change the cookie with this function
* 1. The value variable is Required and will definde to what the language cookie will be change to.
* 2. The cookie name is optional and by default it will be 'lng'.
proximus.change('es', 'lnp');
// You can get the current language with this function
* 1. The cookie name is optional and by default it will be 'lng'.
/* Returns:
* 'en'
// You can get the current language with this function (Beta)
* 1. The language object is Required.
* 2. The key you are looking for is Required.
* 3. The cookie name is optional and by default it will be 'lng'.
proximus.getKeyValue(langObj, 'keyObject', 'lnp');
/* It will returns the key value */
// Will return and obj with default values and the variables use by proximus
/* Returns:
* var proximusObj = {
* defaultLngName: 'en',
* defaultcookieName: 'lng',
* lngByIdClass: '.i18n',
* lngImgClass: '.imgi18n',
* lngByAtrrClass: '.i18nAtt',
* lngAtrrName: 'data-i18n'
* };
- Change the html tag? or the class? 😲😲
- Return and chose nested object from object 😲😲😲
You can run the test index with this command on terminal:
gulp server
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details**