- added supermaven (testing)
- autopairs
- autotag
- comment
- Im sure i have some new dap configs
- noice
- nvim surround
- toggleterm
- whichkey
This is my nvim config which includes everything that I need for software development. It's focused on simplicity and extensibility.
- NeoVim
- ripgrep
- fd
- lazygit
Clone this repository:
# For unix-based systems
git clone https://github.com/MrMoneyInTheBank/vim.git ~/.config/nvim
# For macOS only
chmod +x ~/.config/nvim/install.sh
# For windows systems
git clone https://github.com/MrMoneyInTheBank/vim.git %APPDATA%\nvim
## Change file permissions before executing install script
- Alpha: Dashboard.
- Nvim-web-devicons: File icons.
- Bufferline: Chip tabs for open buffers.
- Catppuccin: The best theme.
- Nvim-cmp: Code completion engine.
- Cmp-nvim-lsp: LSP sourced code completion.
- Luasnip: Code snippet engine.
- Cmp-luasnip: Luasnip completion source.
- Friendly Snippets: Snippets collection.
- Nvim dap: Debugging adapter.
- Nvim dapui: UI Wrapper for Nvim DAP.
- Nvim Nio: Async testrunner for Nvim DAP.
- Gitsigns: Git integration for buffers.
- LazyGit: Git console.
- Mason: LSP, Linters, DAP package manager.
- Nvim-lspconfig: Nvim core lsp configs.
- Mason-lspconfig: Integrate Mason packages with Nvim core lsp client.
- Lualine: Statusline.
- Neotree: Filetree.
- Planery: Util functions.
- Nui: UI Library.
- None-ls: LSP Adapter.
- Telescope: Fuzzy Finder.
- Treesitter: Syntax Highlighting.