Disclaimer: This project is only for personal learning and communication, please do not use it for illegal purposes, please do not use it in a production environment
xray panel supporting multi-protocol, Multi-lang (English,Farsi,Chinese)
Features | Enable? |
Multi-lang | ✔️ |
Dark/Light Theme | ✔️ |
Search in deep | ✔️ |
Inbound Multi User | ✔️ |
Multi User Traffic & Expiration time | ✔️ |
REST API | ✔️ |
Telegram BOT (admin + clients) | ✔️ |
Backup database using Telegram BOT | ✔️ |
Subscription link | ✔️ |
Calculate expire date on first usage | ✔️ |
user data:{username: '', password: ''}
for login/xui/API/inbounds
base for following actions:
Method | Path | Action |
GET | "/" | Get all inbounds |
GET | "/get/:id" | Get inbound with inbound.id |
POST | "/add" | Add inbound |
POST | "/del/:id" | Delete Inbound |
POST | "/update/:id" | Update Inbound |
POST | "/addClient/" | Add Client to inbound |
POST | "/delClient/:email" | Delete Client |
POST | "/updateClient/:index" | Update Client |
POST | "/:id/resetClientTraffic/:email" | Reset Client's Traffic |
POST | "/resetAllTraffics" | Reset traffics of all inbounds |
POST | "/resetAllClientTraffics/:id" | Reset traffics of all clients in an inbound |
bash <(curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MrCenTury/xXx-UI/master/install.sh)
apt-get install certbot -y
certbot certonly --standalone --agree-tos --register-unsafely-without-email -d yourdomain.com
certbot renew --dry-run
- System Status Monitoring
- Search within all inbounds and clients
- Support Dark/Light theme UI
- Support multi-user multi-protocol, web page visualization operation
- Support for configuring more transport configurations
- Traffic statistics, limit traffic, limit expiration time
- Support subscription ( multi ) link
- Detect users which are expiring or exceed traffic limit soon
- Support https access panel (self-provided domain name + ssl certificate)
- Support one-click SSL certificate application and automatic renewal
- Update the Jason file for IP hiding changes and receiving the required data
- Geosite site config update for Iran
- Update to add user instead of email
- multi-user vmess - vless - trojan
- Support checking system status information
- support multi protocols and multi users
- support protocols:vmess、vless、trojan、shadowsocks、dokodemo-door、socks、http
- support many transport method including tcp、udp、ws、kcp etc
- traffic counting,traffic restrict and time restrcit
- support custom configuration template
- support https access fot WebUI
- support SSL cert issue by Acme
- support telegram bot notify and control
- more functions in control menu
After Installation,you can input x-ui
to enter control menu,current menu details:
__ __ ____ __ __ _ _ ___
| \/ | _ \ __ __\ \/ /__ __ | | | |_ _|
| |\/| | |_) | _____ \ \/ / \ / \ \/ /____| | | || |
| | | | _ < |_____| > < / \ > <_____| |_| || |
|_| |_|_| \_\ /_/\_\/_/\_\/_/\_\ \___/|___|
Press Enter to exit the script
0. Install xXx-UI
1. Update xXx-UI
2. Uninstalled xXx-UI
3. Reset Username Password
4. Reset Panel Settings
5. Set the Panel Web Port
6. Check panel info
7. Start xXx-UI
8. Stop xXx-UI
9. Restart xXx-UI
10. Check xXx-UI Status
11. View xXx-UI Log
12. Set the xXx-UI auto-start at boot
13. Cancel the xXx-UI auto-start at boot
14. Update Geosite and Geoip
15. One-click installation BBR (the latest kernel)
16. One-click application certificate (ACME script application)
17. Open all network ports in the server
18. Install and configure Cloudflare Warp (Experimental)
19. Backup Database
20. Recovery Database
21. Backup Auto DataBase Cronjob in Telegram
22. -> Telegram CronJob Time Change
23. --> Disable Telegram Backup Auto
- CentOS 8+
- Ubuntu 20+
- Debian 8+
- Fedora 36+