Very simple persistent fake plate script. I didn't see one made so here you go
This gets the original plate from the fake plate. Input the fake plate number in the plate param
local originalPlate = exports['brazzers-fakeplates']:getPlateFromFakePlate(plate)
if originalPlate then plate = originalPlate end
This gets the fake plate from the original plate. Input the original plate number in the plate param
local fakePlate = exports['brazzers-fakeplates']:getFakePlateFromPlate(plate)
if fakePlate then plate = fakePlate end
- Persistent Fake Plates ( Saves through garages )
- Synced Plate Changing
- Multi-Language Support using QBCore Locales
- 24/7 Support in discord
- ox_target
- oxmysql
- qbx_vehiclekeys
- qbx_core
- ox_inventory