Taskato is an app for managing your tasks and writing notes. You can create a task, set its due date and reminder date, and create subtasks for it. You can categorize your tasks with the custom lists you've created, and update or delete those lists whenever you want.
- Login/Sign up system (Demo account)
- Creating tasks with the features of setting the due date, and reminder date and creating a subtask for it
- Categorization of tasks using lists (ability to rename and delete at any time)
- Creating sticky notes with the feature of choosing the custom color and the ability to edit and delete at any time
- Find a name for the app
- Logo design for this name
- User interface design challenges (UI)
- Vector design for empty states
- Motion logo design for the brand name
- Working with MongoDB databases professionally (Making models and schema)
- Building APIs and working with back-end
- Using TypeScript in a relatively large program
- Login/sign up system
- Too many strict validations for forms
- Working with JWT (Creating tokens and working with cookies professionally)
- Creating a lot of functions, types, and reusable components (SRP & DRY Principles)
Password | |
[email protected] | Ms@123456 |
Front-end | Back-end | Design |
MIT license @MohammadSahragard