a small express-js web server for github webhooks
clone the project into your server and install required npm packages
remote$ git clone https://github.com/MohGanji/github-hook.git
remote$ cd github-hook
remote$ npm install
you should edit the configs.json file, so that the fields have proper value:
- secretToken: This is the token you specify when creating a webhook in gitlab
- email: (NOTE: this does not work right now) if there is a problem, details will be emailed to the sysAdmin
- shellCommand: preferably this should be an absolute path to a shell script(.sh) that is executable.
for exmaple this is a sample config.json file:
"secretToken": "thisIsASampleSecretToken",
"email": "[email protected]",
"shellCommand": "/var/www/html/Server/githook.sh"
now create a shell script in the directory you specified in the configs.json and put what you want to do when there is a push event in your gitlab repository: for example for githook.sh:
cd /var/www/html/Server
git checkout master
git pull > /var/log/gitpull.log 2>&1
if [ $stat == 0 ]; then
echo "all tests passed successfully"
# kill the previous instance of node server
pid=`cat /var/log/nodePID.log | cut -f2 -d' '`
kill -2 $pid
# run the updated node server on port 3000
PORT=3000 node /var/www/html/Server/bin/www >> /var/log/myProject.log 2>&1 & > /var/log/nodePID.log 2>&1
echo "$stat tests failed"
then make it executable:
chmod +x /var/www/html/Server/githook.sh
now run the server in background to do the job:
remote$ cd path/to/this/repo
remote$ PORT=3003 node ./bin/www >> logfile.log 2>&1 &
- create a proper documentation
- handle secret token
- email the sys admin if there was a problem with pulling