fixed not being able to plot or print SurvLIME results for the cph model sometimes. (#72 )
added global explanations via the SurvSHAP(t) method (see model_survshap()
added plots for global SurvSHAP(t) explanations (see plot.aggregated_surv_shap()
added Accumulated Local Effects (ALE) explanations (see model_profile(..., type = "accumulated")
added 2-dimensional PDP and ALE plots (see model_profile_2d()
added plot(..., geom="variable")
function for plotting PDP and ALE explanations without the time dimension
new explainers: for flexsurv
models and for Python scikit-survival models (can be used with reticulate
new plot type for model_survshap()
- curves (with functional box plot)
added diagnostic explanations - residual analysis (see model_diagnostics()
added new times generation method "survival_quantiles"
and setting it as default (see explain()
made improvements on the vignettes for the package (see vignette("pdp")
and vignette("global-survshap")
increased the test coverage of the package
reduced the number of expensive requireNamespace()
calls (#83 )
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