In the business world, saving time is a primary advantage, so AI can be our best ally. In this project, the main task is to perform a Due Deligence with only the insertion of business documents such as: Wolfsbrg, ESMA, SIRENE, KBIS
To achieve this we have developed an application whose objective is to automate this analysis
1- Create a database in your SGBD
2- Insert your acces information to the database
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
'HOST': 'localhost',
'PORT': '3306',
'USER': 'your_user_here',
'PASSWORD': 'your_password_here',
'NAME': 'your_data_base_name_here(django_api)',
'init_command': "SET sql_mode='STRICT_TRANS_TABLES'"
3- Create the virtual envirement and install dependencies
backend$ pip install -r requirements.txt
4- Activate the virtual environment
backend$ source ./env/bin/activate
5- Create the migrations
backend/server$ python3 makemigrations
backend/server$ python3 migrate
6- Run the server
backend/server$ python3 runserver
7- Initialize the FrontEnd
client$ npm install
7- Run the FrontEnd server
client$ npm run start