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DGG Gaming Bot

A Discord bot for the dgg gaming discord community.


Node.js 14.0.0 or newer is required.
This bot uses Discord.js master version see docs here

Once you download the repo run npm install to install all the packages
You must edit the .env file and put in your token and ids
Then you can do node bot.js to run it.

Command References

Reference Meaning
{} Required
() Optional
sub cmd A command that follows the main command ( ↳)
duration number followed by d,h,m or s (eg. 10m)

User Commands

Command Arguments Description
0mar 0MAR LMAO
animal {sub cmd} Animal commands
 ↳ pic {animal} Random picture of the animal
 ↳ fact {animal} Random fact of the animal
avatar (user) Posts the user profile picture
bug {text} Report a bug
color {link} Gets the color for an image
commands Links to command list
convert {amount} {source} {target} Converts amount from one unit to another
convertlist (measurement) List all measurement or units of measurement
currency {amount} {source} {target} Converts amount from one currency to another
define {phrase} Gets definition of a phrase via urban dictionary
emotes {timeframe} {size} Shows emote useage
fact Gets a random fact
feature {text} Request a feature
feeds Lists all the feeds
info Shows uptime and ping
list Shows list of temporarily roled users
minesweeper Starts a game of minesweeper
raw {input} Shows raw input of message (what bot sees)
scrabble {sub cmd} Scrabble commands
 ↳ create Creates a game of scrabble
 ↳ place {row} {column} {direction} {word} Place a word in a current scrabble word
shame Shows list of indefinitely roled users
tictactoe {user} Starts a game of tic tac toe with another user
time {location} Gets the local time of a location
translate {phrase} Translates a phrase into english
trinomial {difficulty} Gives a factorisation trinomial question and answer
trivia {category} {difficulty} Gets a trivia question you can answer
vote {duration} {question} {answer1} {answer2} (answer3...9) Starts a vote for specified duration
weather {unit} {location} Gets current weather from a location

Specific Role Commands

Command Arguments Description
gamble {sub cmd} Gamble commands
 ↳ duel {role} {user} Creates a duel with another player
 ↳ odds {role} {odds} Basic odds gamble
 ↳ horse {role} {horse number} Horse racing gamble

Mod Commands

Command Arguments Description
feed {sub cmd} Feed commands
 ↳ list Lists all the subs in the feed of the current channel
 ↳ create Creates a new feed in the current channel
 ↳ delete Deletes the feed in the current channel
 ↳ sub {subreddit} Adds subreddit to feed in the current channel
 ↳ unsub {subreddit} Removes subreddit from the feed in the current channel
 ↳ interval (seconds) Shows current interval or updates the interval for the feed in the current channel
mute {user} {duration} Gives user mute role for duration
roles {sub cmd} Roles commands
 ↳ reload Reloads role channel message
 ↳ remove {name} Remove a role from the roles channel
 ↳ add {category} {name} {role} {emoji} (position) Adds a role to the roles channel
weeb {user} {duration} Gives user weeb role for duration
wizard {user} {duration} Gives user wizard role for duration

Bot Manager Commands

Command Arguments Description
slash Slash Commands
 ↳ delete (id) Deletes one or all slash commands
 ↳ reload Reloads all slash commands
emotesync {old id} {new id} Syncs emotes in emote useage


DGG Gaming Bot






No releases published


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Contributors 3
