RoveComm is the communication protocol used by the Mars Rover Design Team (MRDT) at Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T). Several implementations exist for RoveComm. This implementation was made to be used with the new BaseStation written in Blazor.
The repo conains a Visual Studio 2022 solution RoveComm_CSharp.sln
. The solution contains two projects.
This contains the source code for the RoveComm NuGet Package.
The package is hosted on the NuGet Registry and on GitHub Packages, though extra steps are required to use it from there. For more information on RoveComm installation and usage, look here.
This contains a quick and dirty sample app for testing RoveComm. To run it, open the solution and right click on the
project. Select "Set As Startup Project". Then click the run button at the top and select http