Peer to peer learning network.
Take notes as you learn a topic. Review other users notes. Stake tokens to endorse quality content.
Algernon is a layer 2 blockchain dapp which uses the blockchain as the source of truth data layer and centralized components to improve usability.
allow users to create semi-structured content with some of the data stored directly on chain and the rest of the data stored offchain with a hash of the data stored on chain.
allow users to stake tokens against content to help other users find quality content and to earn additional tokens
- a POS ethereum sidechain offering high throughput and gasless transactions
- the user gateway through which users can broadcast transactions to the chain, query the graph-node, and interact with the dapp
- Tracks transactions on chain and updates a Postgres db
- Graph Protocol
- Fortmatic
configure .env
cp env.example app/.env
install ganache-cli and truffle globally
npm install -g ganache-cli truffle
Start a local ganache instance, inside the root directory
yarn run-ganache
the first account listed by ganache is the default admin for the contract -
Deploy smart contracts to ganache instance
cd contracts/
yarn deploy-local
Run a theGraph Node the docker-compose.yml file in graph-node-local/ will run a graph and ipfs node locally
cd graph-node-local
docker-compose up
Deploy the subgraph
cd subgraph/
yarn prepare:development && yarn codegen && yarn build
yarn create-local
yarn deploy-local
run the IPFS Proxy
cd serverless/lambdaIPFSProxy/
yarn run-local
Run the app
cd app/
yarn start