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The program controls the execution of any programs, scripts or commands OS and sends the execution result to zabbix, and in case of an execution error, it additionally can notify via telegram.

NOTE: Any programs, scripts or commands OS that is controlled by in the future, I will call - process.

Work logic

Logging is done in stdout.
All settings are performed through environment variables.
Telegram notifications can be turned off with ZM_TELEGRAM_NOTIF=False. In this case, you will only receive alerts from Zabbix in which you can also set up Telegram alerts, but has more informative alerts.
Send data to can be turned off with Zabbix ZM_ZABBIX_SEND=False. In this case, you will only receive alerts to Telegram. Send process time execution to can be turned off with Zabbix ZM_ZABBIX_SEND_TIME=False. Only error messages are sent to Telegram. Messages about the successful completion of the process are not sent to Telegram (so that there is no flood).
In case of successful completion of the process, the process execution time and the successful result are sent to Zabbix. The value of successful result is set to ZM_ZABBIX_OK.
In case of the process execution error, execution time = 0 and the unsuccessful result are sent to Zabbix. The value of unsuccessful result is set to ZM_ZABBIX_NOT_OK. You can run in a Docker container.


ENV Default Description
ZM_DEBUG False Enable DEBUG mode? (True or False).
HOSTNAME Unknown For Telegram message to see which host this message is from. In Linux, such a variable is usually already set.
Zabbix settings
ZM_ZABBIX_SEND True Should app send data to Zabbix? (True or False).
ZM_ZABBIX_SEND_TIME True Should app send execution time to Zabbix? (True or False).
ZM_ZABBIX_OK 0 OK value for Zabbix.
ZM_ZABBIX_NOT_OK 1 Not OK value for Zabbix.
ZM_ZABBIX_IP None Zabbix server ip address.
ZM_ZABBIX_HOST_NAME None Zabbix "Host name". How is the host named in Zabbix. (See picture after table).
ZM_ZABBIX_ITEM_NAME None How is the trapped item key named in Zabbix.
ZM_ZABBIX_ITEM_TIME_NAME None How is the trapped item for execution time key named in Zabbix.
Telegram settings
ZM_TELEGRAM_NOTIF True Should app send telegram alerts? or log messages only to stdout. (True or False).
ZM_TELEGRAM_TIMEOUT 10 Telegram connection timeout.
ZM_TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN None Telegram bot token. It usually looks like this 1470616475:AAHFSvznxxLTDedQBSiRVrYVP49ixkghpRT. You need to create a bot in Telegram using BotFather and you can also get a bot token there.
ZM_TELEGRAM_CHAT None Telegram chat (ID) to which the bot will send messages. If this is a private chat, then usually the ID looks like a positive number. If it is a channel or group then ID is a negative number.

NOTE: Parameter ZM_ZABBIX_HOST_NAME you can see here
zabbix trapped item

Install and run

Install Python3

Python Download

Customize Zabbix

In this example, ZM_ZABBIX_ITEM_NAME will be called docker-rmi-sh and ZM_ZABBIX_ITEM_TIME_NAME - docker-rmi-sh-time. This name will be written in the Key field.
Create trapped items ZM_ZABBIX_ITEM_NAME and if you need ZM_ZABBIX_ITEM_TIME_NAME.
zabbix trapped item zabbix trapped item execution time Create trigger for ZM_ZABBIX_ITEM_NAME with that Expression:
{}=1 or {}<>0
The trigger fires when there was an error while executing the process or when the process has not run for more than 25 hours.
zabbix trapped item You can see Graphs for items: menu Monitoring - Latest data - Filter.Hosts choose desired host - there is Graph in the item line.
Or you cat create your own graphs.
zabbix trapped item


You must set environment variables on the computer where the will run and under the account under which will run.
There are many ways to define environment variables.


In this example, I write all the necessary variables in file .bash_profile.

export ZM_ZABBIX_IP=""
export ZM_ZABBIX_ITEM_NAME="docker-rmi-sh"
export ZM_ZABBIX_ITEM_TIME_NAME="docker-rmi-sh-time"
export ZM_TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN="1470616475:AAHFSvznxxLTDedQBSiRVrYVP49ixkghpRT"
export ZM_TELEGRAM_CHAT="123456789"

1) As script

mkdir /usr/share/zabbix-monitoring-programs-execution
cd /usr/share/zabbix-monitoring-programs-execution
git clone .
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 /usr/share/zabbix-monitoring-programs-execution/ <process>

2) As cronjob (or if you use sudo -s or su)

If you use cronjob or if you use sudo -s or su you will need source command

0 3 * * * source /home/user/.bash_profile; python3 /usr/share/zabbix-monitoring-programs-execution/ /usr/share/local/ 2>&1

For developers

Get and install requirements (requirements.txt)

c:\MyGit\zabbix-monitoring-programs-execution\venv\Scripts\pip.exe freeze | Out-File -Encoding UTF8 c:\MyGit\zabbix-monitoring-programs-execution\requirements.txt
pip install -r c:\MyGit\zabbix-monitoring-programs-execution\requirements.txt

Publish the package on

python sdist
twine upload --skip-existing dist/*


sendMessage{token}/sendMessage Example message (html):

MESSAGE: ❌ Test <b>bold</b>,
<i>italic</i>, <em>italic</em>
<a href="URL">inline URL</a>
<code>inline fixed-width code</code>
<pre>pre-formatted fixed-width code block</pre>


The program controls the execution of other programs using zabbix.








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