Bash script to check if my workstation has everything I need for development
- Applications / Languages
- HTTP and HTTPS proxies presence and whether or not they working
- Internet connectivity
- Java presence
- Python presence
- Ruby presence
- Vim presence
- Git presence
- Git Flow presence
- Docker presence
- Vagrant presence
- Homebrew presence
- rbenv presence
- wget presence
- Maven presence
- Gradle presence
- Bundler presence
- Miniconda presence
- iTerm2 presence
- gem presence
- Ruby-on-Rails presence
- Adshell presence
- jenv presence
- bash_profile, bashrc files presence
- Chef client presence
- Ansible presence
- ChefDK presence
- Rust presence
- Removes duplicates from PATH variable
- Different checks, depending on OS:
- Mac OS
- GNU/Linux/RedHat/Centos
- Downloads missing components:
- Mac OS
- GNU/Linux
- Red Hat/Centos
- Think about project structure, as at the moment it is not well build
- Erase duplicated code as much as possible
- Download the code
# If git command installed
git clone
# If git command is not found
curl -LO
unzip -d preflight-checkp
# If you are working from behind the proxies, use following command
curl -x http://your_proxy_server:8080 -LO
unzip -d preflight-check
- Run scripts
cd preflight-check
# Execute with sudo
sudo bash
# Or as sudo enabled user
- To update, execute
git pull
, when inpreflight-check
- Tested on MacOs 10.13 High Sierra, Centos 7