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Spotify Web API wrapper


Personal wrapper for the Spotify Web API written in TypeScript.

Please keep in mind that Spotify provides their own SDK as well. See more info here:

Installation and configuration

npm i @mihhailreh/spotify-ts-wrapper
yarn add @mihhailreh/spotify-ts-wrapper

How to use

  • You can create your own HTTP client or use the one provided.
  • Import the wrapper and create a new instance of the SpotifyClient class.
  • Inject the HTTP client into the SpotifyClient constructor.
  • Call the methods on the SpotifyClient instance, all endpoints are separated into their own classes.
  • All responses are strongly typed, for example, the getAlbum method from SpotifyClient.albums.getAlbum() returns an Album object.

Example with your own HTTP client

import { SpotifyClient, IHttpClient } from '@mihhailreh/spotify-ts-wrapper';

// your implementation of the IHttpClient interface
const httpClient: IHttpClient = {
	get: async (url: string, options?: any) => {
		// your implementation
	post: async (url: string, options?: any) => {
		// your implementation
	put: async (url: string, options?: any) => {
		// your implementation
	delete: async (url: string, options?: any) => {
		// your implementation

const spotifyClient = new SpotifyClient(httpClient);

const album = await spotifyClient.albumsWrapper.getAlbum('albumId');

Example with the provided HTTP client

import { SpotifyClient, HttpClient } from '@mihhailreh/spotify-ts-wrapper';

const newTokenClient = new HttpClient({
    baseUrl: 'string',
    authenticationUrl: 'string',
    clientId: 'string',
    clientSecret: 'string',

// or if you already have a token, you can pass it in the constructor
const existingTokenClient = new HttpClient({
     baseUrl: 'string',
     token: 'string',

// this will authorize based on provided clientId and clientSecret
// Keep in mind that this will not authorize a user, only your app
// If you want to authorize a user you need to create your own implementation
// you could extend the HttpClient class and override the authorizeApp method
// or you could create your own authorizeUser method ontop of it
await newTokenClient.authorizeApp();

const spotifyClient = new SpotifyClient(newTokenClient);

const album = await spotifyClient.albumsWrapper.getAlbum('albumId');

Example for user authorization with express js

import { SpotifyClient, HttpClient } from '@mihhailreh/spotify-ts-wrapper';
import { UserScopes } from '@mihhailreh/spotify-ts-wrapper/Types/ClientCredentials';
import express from 'express';

const app = express();

const clientId = 'yourClientId';
const clientSecret = 'yourClientSecret';
const redirectUri = 'yourRedirectUri';
const scopes: UserScopes = ['user-read-private', 'user-read-email'];

const httpClient = new HttpClient({
    baseUrl: '',
    authenticationUrl: '',

const spotifyAuthUrl = httpClient.createUserAuthUrl(redirectUri, scopes);

app.get('/login', (req, res) => {

app.get('/callback', async (req, res) => {
    if (req.query.error) {
        throw new Error(req.query.error as string);

    const code = req.query.code as string;

    // Save the access_token and refresh_token somewhere
    const { access_token, refresh_token } = await httpClient.authorizeUser(redirectUri, code);

    const spotifyClient = new SpotifyClient(new HttpClient({
        baseUrl: '',
        token: access_token,

    const user = await spotifyClient.usersWrapper.getCurrentUser();


app.listen(3000, () => {
    console.log('Server is running on port 3000');