An Ansible role for managing MariaDB in RedHat-based distributions. Specifically, the responsibilities of this role are to:
- Install MariaDB packages from the official MariaDB repositories
- Remove unsafe defaults:
- set database root password (remark that once set, this role is unable to change the database root password)
- remove anonymous users
- remove test database
- Create users and databases
- Manage configuration files
Refer to the change log for notable changes in each release.
Do you use/like this role? Please consider giving it a star. If you rate this role on Ansible Galaxy and find it lacking in some respect, please consider opening an Issue with actionable feedback or a PR so we can improve it. Thank you!
No specific requirements
None of the variables below are required. When not defined by the user, the default values are used.
Variable | Default | Comments |
mariadb_bind_address |
'' | Set this to the IP address of the network interface to listen on, or '' to listen on all interfaces. |
mariadb_configure_swappiness |
true | When true , this role will set the "swappiness" value (see mariadb_swappiness . |
mariadb_custom_cnf |
{} | Dictionary with custom configuration. |
mariadb_databases |
[] | List of dicts specifying the databases to be added. See below for details. |
mariadb_mirror | | Download mirror for the .rpm package (1) |
mariadb_port |
3306 | The port number used to listen to client requests |
mariadb_root_password |
'' | The MariaDB root password. (2) |
mariadb_server_cnf |
{} | Dictionary with server configuration. |
mariadb_service |
mariadb | Name of the service (should e.g. be 'mysql' on CentOS for MariaDB 5.5) |
mariadb_swappiness |
'0' | "Swappiness" value (string). System default is 60. A value of 0 means that swapping out processes is avoided. |
mariadb_users |
[] | List of dicts specifying the users to be added. See below for details. |
mariadb_version |
'10.4' | The version of MariaDB to be installed. Default is the current stable release. |
(1) Installing MariaDB from the default yum repository can be very slow (some users reported more than 10 minutes). The variable mariadb_mirror
allows you to specify a custom download mirror closer to your geographical location that may speed up the installation process. E.g.:
mariadb_mirror: ''
(2) It is highly recommended to set the database root password! Leaving the password empty is a serious security risk. The role will issue a warning if the variable was not set.
You can specify the configuration in /etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf
, specifically in the [mariadb]
section, by providing a dictionary of keys/values in the variable mariadb_server_cnf
. Please refer to the MariaDB Server System Variables documentation for details on the possible settings.
For settings that don't get a = value
in the config file, leave the value empty. All values should be given as strings, so numerical values should be quoted.
In the following example, slow-query-log
's value is left empty:
slow-query-log-file: 'mariadb-slow.log'
long-query-time: '5.0'
This would result in the following server.cnf
slow-query-log-file = mariadb-slow.log
Settings for other sections than [mariadb]
, can be set with mariadb_custom_cnf
. These settings will be written to /etc/mysql/my.cnf.d/custom.cnf
Just like mariadb_server_cnf
, the variable mariadb_custom_cnf
should be a dictionary. Keys are section names and values are dictionaries with key-value mappings for individual settings.
The following example enables the general query log:
general-log-file: queries.log
log-output: file
The resulting config file will look like this:
Databases are defined with a dict containing the fields name:
(required), and init_script:
(optional). The init script is a SQL file that is executed when the database is created to initialise tables and populate it with values.
- name: appdb1
- name: appdb2
init_script: files/init_appdb2.sql
Users are defined with a dict containing fields name:
, password:
, priv:
, and, optionally, host:
, and append_privs
. The password is in plain text and priv:
specifies the privileges for this user as described in the Ansible documentation.
An example:
- name: john
password: letmein
priv: '*.*:ALL,GRANT'
- name: jack
password: sekrit
priv: 'jacksdb.*:ALL'
append_privs: 'yes'
host: '192.168.56.%'
No dependencies.
See the test playbook
This role is tested using Ansible Molecule. Tests are launched automatically on Travis CI after each commit and PR.
This Molecule configuration will:
- Run Yamllint and Ansible Lint
- Create a Docker container named
- Run a syntax check
- Apply the role with a test playbook
- Run acceptance tests with BATS
This process is repeated for each supported Linux distribution.
If you want to set up a local test environment, you can use this reproducible setup based on Vagrant+VirtualBox: Steps to install the necessary tools manually:
- Docker and BATS should be installed on your machine (assumed to run Linux). No Docker containers should be running when you start the test.
- As recommended by Molecule, create a python virtual environment
- Install the software tools
python3 -m pip install molecule docker netaddr yamllint ansible-lint
- Navigate to the root of the role directory and run
molecule test
Molecule automatically deletes the containers after a test. If you would like to check out the containers yourself, run molecule converge
followed by molecule login --host HOSTNAME
The Docker containers are based on images created by Jeff Geerling, specifically for Ansible testing (look for images named geerlingguy/docker-DISTRO-ansible
). You can use any of his images, but only the distributions mentioned in meta/main.yml are supported.
The default config will start a Centos 7 container (the primary supported platform at this time). Choose another distro by setting the MOLECULE_DISTRO
variable with the command, e.g.:
MOLECULE_DISTRO=fedora32 molecule test
MOLECULE_DISTRO=fedora32 molecule converge
You can run the acceptance tests on both servers with molecule verify
or manually with
SUT_IP= bats molecule/common/mariadb.bats
You need to initialise the variable SUT_IP
, the system under test's IP address. The db
container should have IP address
Alternatively, you can run the Molecule tests with full-fledged VMs instead of Docker containers. Vagrant, VirtualBox, Ansible, Molecule and BATS need to be installed on the system where you run the tests.
molecule test -s vagrant
This will create VirtualBox VMs for the supported platforms, based on base boxes from the Bento project, apply the test playbook and run acceptance tests.
2 clause BSD
Issues, feature requests, ideas, suggestions, etc. are appreciated and can be posted in the Issues section.
Pull requests are also very welcome. Please create a topic branch for your proposed changes. If you don’t, this will create conflicts in your fork when you synchronise changes after the merge. Don’t hesitate to add yourself to the contributor list below in your PR!