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An application that provides a lot of information about Mars.

App demo:


The are five pages

At the end of the top navbar there is Credits&Info modal button. You can get the all the information about the app.

The first page as Home is NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day

You can see daily picture provided by NASA APis by selecting a date or random date.

The second page as Mars Weather

The are two maps. Each map has 3 layers you can choose.

  1. Earth map with your location and your local weather conditions. When you click on the blue point on the first map you'll see a popup with another information such as exchange rates for your local currency and Covid situation in your country, your IP address and coordinates.

  2. Mars map with Nasa's operational Mars lander and rovers locations (three devices as Feb, 2022). When you click on the icon, you will see information about the lander or rover.

  3. At the bottom of the page is a graph showing Martian weather conditions over the past seven days.

All data about Mars are provided by NASA APis.

The third page as Mars 3D

There is a 3D model of Mars generated by CesiumJS. You can choose one of two layers. On the Mars model there are three Nasa's operational devices (as Feb, 2022). When you click on the icon you will see information about the lander or one of two rovers.

The fourth page as Mars Pictures

There is an accordion with two tabs. The first tab show pictures from Mars taken by Curiosity Mars Rover (operational). The second one shows pictures taken by inactive rovers on Mars: Opportunity and Spirit. Pictures are provided by NASA APis. You can watch the pictures in a lightbox.

The fifth page as Nasa 3D Model

This is 3D animation showing Mars based on Three.js library and Nasa's 3D .glb Model of Mars.

Notes/ ToDo List/ Issues

  1. The API keys for and some API https addresses are not hosted on the <>.
  2. Responsiveness is not complete yet.





Mars model


NASA model

Built With


Other Staff/ Credits
