本项目是用来分析手机卡顿时长的,帧绘制耗时大于100ms视作卡顿. 由MIUI团队(www.miui.com) 发起并贡献第一批代码,遵循NOTICE文件所描述的开源协议,
今后为MiCode社区(www.micode.net) 拥有,并由社区发布和维护.
(只支持linux 终端中执行)
执行 bash run_dump.sh [参数1] start [参数2]
参数1: 手机 serial number(adb devices 获取)
参数2: 抓取数据间隔(s)
示例: bash run_dump.sh f13dacb5 start 1000
执行 bash run_dump.sh [参数1] stop
参数1: 手机 serial number(adb devices 获取)
示例: bash run_dump.sh f13dacb5 stop
第(2)步后, 会在当前目录下生成graphic文件夹
执行 python start_analysis.py -d [参数]
参数: log文件路径
示例: python start_analysis.py -d graphic
This is open source edition for static janky frame from graphicstatistic, it's first initiated and sponsored by MIUI team (www.miui.com).It's opened under license described by NOTICE file. It's owned by the MiCode community (www.micode.net). In future,
the MiCode community will release and maintain this project.
The graphic_dumps is a executable file,which is used to dump graphicsstats, the source code in the native directory of the project directory.