Project for System Software Architecture teached by Luca Cabibbo at University of Roma 3.
Realized by: Gregori Valerio Mancini Miriana Salvoni Andrea
##Setup of the environment for First Project
- run startup.bat/sh
##Setup of the environment for Second Project Check your OS:
- For running the second project on Windows or Mac OX, create a VM with name "default" using docker-machine tool.
- docker-machine create --driver virtualbox default
- docker-machine start default
For creating the environment, go into "Second Project/webserver" folder and execute the command:
- docker-compose up -d
For running the minimal client, go into "Second Project/minimal_client" folder and execute
- For running the second project on Linux, there is no need for a VM. Execute only:
- docker-compose up -d (in "Second Project/webserver" folder)
For running correctly the minimal client, modify the script in this way:
- change "$(docker-machine ip default)" with "localhost" in all curl command.
- save the file
- execute the file into "Second Project/minimal_client" folder