Agenda is a meeting management system. It works with Linux and Windows.
[English] [中文] [Contributing] [Test Case]
Install agenda.
$ go get -u -v
Create soft link.
$ ln -s $GOPATH/bin/goagenda /usr/bin/agenda
Or rename the binary file.
$ mv $GOPATH/bin/goagenda $GOPATH/bin/agenda
Initial the config file while first running.
$ agenda
$ agenda
$ agenda register -u <user> -p <password> [-e <email>] [-t <telephone>]
- You can use
as an alias forregister
. - The length of user's name must be between
, and name must be start with letter, including only letters, digits and underline. - The length of password must be between
, and password has no other limits.
$ agenda login -u <user> -p <password>
- You can use
as an alias forlogin
. - You should be in the not-logged state.
$ agenda logout
- You can use
as an alias forlogout
. - You should login.
$ agenda status
- You can use
as an alias forstatus
. - Show if you are logged or not.
$ agenda user set [-p <password>] [-e <email>] [-t <telephone>]
- You can use
as an alias foruser
. - You can use
as an alias forset
. - The password cannot be empty.
- The email address and telephone can be set empty. Please input
-e ""
or-t ""
to indicate it.- Windows Powershell doesn't recognize
- Windows Powershell doesn't recognize
$ agenda user delete -u <user> -p <password>
- You can use
as an alias fordelete
. - You should verify your user's name and password.
- Your account will be deleted,and you will logout.
- The meetings you initiate will be deleted, and the meetings you participate will remove you in the list of participators.
- If this meeting has no participator after you remove participators, it will be deleted.
$ agenda user list [-u <user>]
- You can use
as an alias forlist
. - List the details of the user you input.
- If you don't input the username, you will get all users' information.
$ agenda meeting create -t <title> -s <startTime> -e <endTime> -p <participators>
- You can use
as aliases formeeting
. - You can use
as an alias forcreate
. - Input time like
, using 24-hour. - If you want to add more than one participator, please input like
-p p1,p2,...,pN
. - If you add some participator who doesn't exist, the operation will be cancelled.
$ agenda meeting set -t <title> [-s <startTime>] [-e <endTime>] [-p <participators>]
- You can use
as an alias forset
. - You must be the initiator of this meeting.
$ agenda meeting add -t <title> participators
- You can use
as an alias foradd
. - If you want to add more than one participator, please input like
p1 p2 p3 ...
. - You must be the initiator of this meeting.
- If you add the participator who has been added into the meeting, you will not get the error message but this participator will not be add to the meeting twice.
$ agenda meeting remove -t <title> <participators list>
- You can use
as an alias forremove
. - You must be the initiator of this meeting.
- Once list includes invalid participator name (non-exist or no participator of this meeting), remove operating will be cancelled.
- If this meeting has no participator after you remove participators, it will be deleted.
$ agenda meeting delete [-t <title> | -a]
- You can use
as an alias fordelete
. - You must be the initiator of this meeting.
- When set
, all the meetings you initiate will be deleted.
$ agenda meeting quit -t <title>
- You can use
as an alias forquit
. - You can't be the initiator of this meeting.
- If this meeting has no participator after you quit, it will be deleted.
$ agenda meeting list [-t <title>] [-s <startTime>] [-e <endTime>]
- You can use
as an alias forlist
. - It will only list the meetings you initiate or participate.
- The list will be sorted by start time.
$ agenda log
- Print log information while
is configured astrue
. - It is a bad command, and it's considered whether to be deprecated.
Under Apache License 2.0.