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Luke edited this page Aug 27, 2013 · 7 revisions

All displayed text should be contained within a TextBlock. Avoid Labels as they do not perform as well.

The core contains four TextBlock styles available for use:

{DynamicResource Heading1TextBlockStyle}

{DynamicResource Heading2TextBlockStyle}

{DynamicResource TextBlockStyle}

{DynamicResource SmallTextBlockStyle}

That is, two heading styles, a main font style, and a small font style.

All TextBlocks should utilize one of these four styles. This will allow the core, as well as the current theme to control font styles. If you use custom fonts, be prepared for users to submit issues indicating that their font settings are not working on your pages.

It is acceptable to specify a custom color as needed, but please refrain from using custom font families, font sizes or font weights.

Buttons and Checkboxes

Text should be set within a button or checkbox by creating a TextBlock within the inner Content. Do not use the Text property. This applies to all other controls that accept Text.

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