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How to run the Application

Justin Tremellen edited this page Dec 4, 2024 · 2 revisions


Here are a list of commands to test and run GameCenter

Testing the Backend

To test the backend, start from the project root.
Then, navigate to the backend folder with this command:

cd GameCenter-Backend

Running the tests

Now we want to run the gradle command to test the backend, with this command:

./gradlew test

We should see all of our tests pass 😄

Running the application

Make sure you have 2 terminal windows open to the project root to accomplish this.

Running the Backend

To run the backend, navigate to the backend folder:

cd GameCenter-Backend

Next, we want to run the backend:

./gradlew bootRun

This will launch the backend

Running the frontend

To run the frontend, navigate to the frontend folder:

cd GameCenter-Frontend

Next, we want to install any dependencies and run the frontend:

npm install && npm run dev

Now, navigate to your browser at localhost:3000 and enjoy the GameCenter!!