Crush It v1.0.1
A crush data generator for Carmageddon.
v1.0.1 released 2019-10-02
Download binary here (43.7KB)
About as barebones as you can possibly get.
How to use:
Put some .dat files in the same folder as crushit.exe
Run crushit.exe
Copy the resulting crush data into your car file, replacing the 2nd crush data block
Crush It loads settings from three places in the following order:
Internal settings based on rough default values
default.crush from in the same folder as the exe
datname.crush from in the same folder as the exe
This allows you to set up default settings for a batch of cars but specific settings for specific cars
The these crush files can be edited in notepad (or your favourite editor)
Exposed minverts within default.crush to allow greater control over which meshes are deemed crushable
Initial release
Toshiba-3 for the icon
The community for their patience
Stainless for their game