- install cuda 10.0 and cudnn 7.5 (for use on gpu) via []
mkdir voice_to_text && cd voice_to_text
Why add whole repo instead of adding dep to pipfile? mozilla/DeepSpeech#2219
git init && touch README.md
git add README.md && git commit -m 'initial commit'
git subtree add --prefix vendor/DeepSpeech https://github.com/mozilla/DeepSpeech.git master --squash
^ Per DeepSpeech Readme's instructions for cloning that repo, installing Git Large File Storage first is a pre-requisite.
DeepSpeech uses git-lfs which doesn't work with git-subtrees https://discourse.mozilla.org/t/problems-trying-to-run-model-inference-from-ds-repo-clone-without-pip-install/42199/5?u=mepstein68
Instead, I use the following commands (from ~/voice_to_text
) to get DeepSpeech vendored repo:
# release 0.5.1, the latest release we have a pretrained english model for (as of 7/8/2019)
mkdir vendor && cd vendor
wget https://github.com/mozilla/DeepSpeech/archive/$DS_COMMIT_HASH.zip
unzip $DS_COMMIT_HASH.zip
mv DeepSpeech-$DS_COMMIT_HASH DeepSpeech
# (mv as rename)
(to confirm the your DS version here, you can cat DeepSpeech/VERSION
...so now we have a copy of DeepSpeech repo in vendor/, but we still need to download the pretrained
English model. Execute the following commands from vendor/DeepSpeech/
wget https://github.com/mozilla/DeepSpeech/releases/download/v0.5.1/deepspeech-0.5.1-models.tar.gz
tar xvfz deepspeech-0.5.1-models.tar.gz
rm deepspeech-0.5.1-models.tar.gz
mv deepspeech-0.5.1-models models-0.5.1
# renaming models folder, personal preference
after creating a barebones github repo, setting it as my upstream
for my local voice_to_text
repo and running
git push -u origin master
, I got the following error:
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (682/682), done.
remote: error: GH008: Your push referenced at least 3 unknown Git LFS objects:
remote: e1fa6801b25912a3625f67e0f6cafcdacb24033be9fad5fa272152a0828d7193
remote: a5324f06b27c7b4ef88dd2c8bc3d05d4c718db219c2e007f59061a30c9ac7afa
remote: 1991108e83cf86830cad118ac9e061aadfc89b73a909a66fe1755f846def556e
remote: Try to push them with 'git lfs push --all'.
To github.com:MaxPowerWasTaken/voice_to_text.git
! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined)
error: failed to push some refs to '[email protected]:MaxPowerWasTaken/voice_to_text.git'
ok so tried git lfs push --all
and then git push origin master
. same error as above.
ok so there's no .git
file in vendor/DeepSpeech
(although there is a .github
), but
running ls -a .git
from voice_to_text
showed an lfs
folder with three entries in lfs/objects
, a5
, e1
which correspond to the three hashes of the "3 unknown git LFS objects" referenced in the error above.
So what if we just rm -rf .git/lfs
? and then git push origin master
...same error.
ok there's also .git/hooks/
folder with four active hooks (by "active" hooks I mean files in hooks/
which don't end in .sample
- git ignores those according to Steve). cat
ing each of those hooks
(pre-push, post-commit, post-checkout, post-merge) shoes each one references git-lfs.
So what if we rm
each of those four lfs-related git hooks and then git push origin master
...same error.
Also, I found this github thread on same git-lfs error git-lfs/git-lfs#3231 which was very interesting, although I couldn't figure out from it how to fix my problem. But, it gave me a couple interesting commands to run, input/output below:
mepstein@pop-os:~/voice_to_text$ git config --list | grep lfs
filter.lfs.clean=git-lfs clean -- %f
filter.lfs.smudge=git-lfs smudge -- %f
filter.lfs.process=git-lfs filter-process
mepstein@pop-os:~/voice_to_text$ git lfs ls-files | grep e1fa
e1fa6801b2 - vendor/DeepSpeech/data/lm/lm.binary
mepstein@pop-os:~/voice_to_text$ git lfs ls-files | grep a5324
a5324f06b2 - vendor/DeepSpeech/data/lm/trie
mepstein@pop-os:~/voice_to_text$ git lfs ls-files | grep 1991108e83
mepstein@pop-os:~/voice_to_text$ git lfs ls-files
e1fa6801b2 - vendor/DeepSpeech/data/lm/lm.binary
a5324f06b2 - vendor/DeepSpeech/data/lm/trie
interesting...so when I git push, git-lfs complains about 3 unknown files, but git lfs ls-files
shows me two (the lm.binary and the trie)
ok so maybe I should check out git lfs --help
? Two commands seem potentially promising:
Remove Git LFS paths from Git Attributes.
Uninstall Git LFS by removing hooks and smudge/clean filter configuration.
tried git-lfs-untrack
[hashes] first but got
mepstein@pop-os:~/voice_to_text$ git-lfs-untrack --help
git-lfs-untrack: command not found
mepstein@pop-os:~/voice_to_text$ git-lfs untrack --help
git lfs untrack <path>...
Stop tracking the given path(s) through Git LFS. The <path> argument
can be a glob pattern or a file path.
so then
mepstein@pop-os:~/voice_to_text$ git lfs untrack vendor/DeepSpeech/data/lm/lm.binary
mepstein@pop-os:~/voice_to_text$ git lfs untrack vendor/DeepSpeech/data/lm/trie
but it seems to have done nothing:
mepstein@pop-os:~/voice_to_text$ git lfs ls-files
e1fa6801b2 - vendor/DeepSpeech/data/lm/lm.binary
a5324f06b2 - vendor/DeepSpeech/data/lm/trie
mepstein@pop-os:~/voice_to_text$ git push origin master
LFS upload missing objects: (0/3), 0 B | 0 B/s
remote: error: GH008: Your push referenced at least 3 unknown Git LFS objects:
mepstein@pop-os:~/voice_to_text$ git lfs uninstall Hooks for this repository have been removed. Global Git LFS configuration has been removed.
and then `git push origin master`:
same error. son of a motherfucker.
## Set up Pipenv
`pipenv install --python 3.6 && pipenv shell`
`pipenv install -r vendor/DeepSpeech/requirements.txt`
`pipenv uninstall tensorflow && pipenv install 'tensorflow-gpu==1.13.1'`
`pipenv install $(python3 vendor/DeepSpeech/util/taskcluster.py --decoder)`
## Get the latest English pre-trained model
`cd vendor/DeepSpeech`
`wget https://github.com/mozilla/DeepSpeech/releases/download/v0.5.1/deepspeech-0.5.1-models.tar.gz`
`rm deepspeech-0.5.1-models.tar.gz`
# Using this voice-to-text repo
## Setup
Since all DeepSpeech code and models are vendored inside of this repo, no need to install DeepSpeech separately. Just git clone this repo and run `pipenv shell` to activate the virtual environment.
## Data Prep
Clips currently come in daily by email, in .m4a format, with filename (usually) as transcript. The following data prep steps need to be taken before DeepSpeech training:
- download clips to voice_to_text/data/audio_raw/
- ensure each audio's filename is correct transcript (apparently filenames can contain apostrophes / question marks)
- run `voice_to_text/src/utilities/process_raw_email_clips.py`. this will:
- scan voice_to_text/data/audio_wav4 and /data/transcripts to get latest file incrementer (or throw error that data files out of sync): `latest_i`
- start a counter `i` from `latest_i` to `latest_i` + num-files-in-audio_raw. for each (in arbitrary order):
- get filename (.name of Path object) `text` and write that `text` to /data/transcripts/t{i}.txt
- rest is basically what's already done in `repeat_after_mom/scripts/convert_audio_m4a_to_wav4.py`
- from pydub import AudioSegment
from pathlib import Path
for f in Path('audio_raw').glob('*.m4a'):
voice_clip = AudioSegment.from_file(f, format="m4a")
filename = f.name.split('.')[0]
voice_clip.export(out_f = f'audio_wav4/{filename}.wav4', format='wav')
## run inference using a new checkpoint model
python $DS/DeepSpeech.py --model models_retrained_1/best_dev_checkpoint --alphabet $DS/deepspeech-0.5.1-models/alphabet.txt --lm $DS/deepspeech-0.5.1-models/lm.binary --trie $DS/deepspeech-0.5.1-models/trie --audio "/home/mepstein/voice_to_text/data/audio_wav4/a24.wav4"
APPENDIX / notes on git subtree...
initially tried git subtree add command above before making any commits and got...
```fatal: ambiguous argument 'HEAD': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.
Use '--' to separate paths from revisions, like this:
'git <command> [<revision>...] -- [<file>...]'
Working tree has modifications. Cannot add.
mkdir vendor
git subtree add --prefix vendor/DeepSpeech https://github.com/mozilla/DeepSpeech.git master --squash
...same error
after googling, appears maybe problem is my current repo has no commits? try committing this (in progress README.md (inception) and try subtree add again...
rm -rf vendor
git add README.md
git commit -m 'initial commit'
git fetch https://github.com/mozilla/DeepSpeech.git master
warning: no common commits
remote: Enumerating objects: 25, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (25/25), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (19/19), done.
remote: Total 9791 (delta 10), reused 17 (delta 6), pack-reused 9766
Receiving objects: 100% (9791/9791), 40.69 MiB | 21.12 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (6206/6206), done.
From https://github.com/mozilla/DeepSpeech
* branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
Added dir 'vendor/DeepSpeech'
README.md vendor
ls vendor
mepstein@pop-os:~/voice_to_text2$ ls vendor
git log --oneline
77421e3 (HEAD -> master) Merge commit 'c77ec4b29689865aae33f61f6fbfd6a0837909a5' as 'vendor/DeepSpeech'
c77ec4b Squashed 'vendor/DeepSpeech/' content from commit c45c70c
a9fe4cd initial commit