Library for converting Google Sheets™ Into PDF.
- ⚙️ All PDF settings including colontitles = custom headers and footers.
- 🔌Input parameters is a single plain object.
- 👀 Live preview! Copy sample Sheet with UI → Go to the menu
⚡ Test Automation > 🍋 Drive > 🍎Print 2 PDF
Use library code:
Sheets2Pdf.getOriginalParameters(options); // for tests
Options is a plain object.
All parameters have a type string
or number
. String parameters are mostly case sensitive.
Some parameters have long names: A4 (8.27" x 11.69")
. This is made for direct conversion of user UI values into options. TODO: add ability to use numbers.
Sample options
// General options
// .....................................................................................
"delimiter": "|", // for parsing lists
"file_id": "", // if ommited will try ActiveWorkbook
"folder_id": "", // if ommited will save to Root Drive Folder
"pdf_name": "", // if blank, will create name of file name + stamp
// PDF options
// ......................................................................................
"sheet_names": "Parameters", // delimited: Sheet1|Sheet2
"range_a1": "", // delimites: A1|A2.
// If not present, prints all sheets
"page_size": 'A4 (8.27" x 11.69")', // Possible values:
// Letter (8.5" x 11")
// Tabloid (11" x 17")
// Legal (8.5" x 14")
// Statement (5.5" x 8.5")
// Executive (7.25" x 10.5")
// Folio (8.5" x 13")
// A3 (11.569" x 16.54")
// A4 (8.27" x 11.69")
// A5 (5.83" x 8.27")
// B4 (9.84" x 13.90")
// B5 (6.93" x 9.84")
// Custom size
// 📐Fit to range
// ...
// Also possible syntax: WxH in inches: 12.23x10.582
"width": "", // inches, if page size set to "Custom size"
"height": "", // inches, if page size set to "Custom size"
"is_landscape": true, // true,false
"scale": "Normal (100%)", // Possible values:
// Normal (100%)
// Fit to width
// Fit to height
// Fit to page
// Custom number
// To page breaks
"scale_percent": "", // Number between 0 and 1.
// if scale was set to "Custom number"
"margins": "Wide", // Possible values:
// Normal
// Narrow
// Wide
// Custom numbers
// Top Bottom Left Rigth
// "Normal": [0.75, 0.75, 0.7, 0.7]
// "Wide": [1, 1, 1, 1]
// "Narrow": [0.75, 0.75, 0.25, 0.25]
"margins_top": "", // inches, if margins set to "Custom numbers"
"margins_bottom": "", // inches, if margins set to "Custom numbers"
"margins_left": "", // inches, if margins set to "Custom numbers"
"margins_rigth": "", // inches, if margins set to "Custom numbers"
"horizontal_alignment": "Rigth", // Possible values:
// Left
// Center
// Rigth
"vertical_alignment": "Bottom", // Possible values:
// Top
// Center
// Bottom
"page_breaks_rows": "8|9|14", // delimited: 8|9. Set scale to "To page breaks"
"page_breaks_columns": "1|2", // delimited: 8|9. Set scale to "To page breaks"
"show_gridlines": true, // true,false
"show_notes": true, // true,false
"repeat_rows": false, // true,false
"repeat_columns": false, // true,false
// Default colontitles
"show_date": false, // true,false
"show_time": false, // true,false
"show_page_numbers": true, // true,false
"show_workbook": false, // true,false
"show_sheet": false, // true,false
// Custom colontitles
"colontitles_top_left": "", // Example: It's Thursday!
"colontitles_top_center": "", // Example: Printed "{{sheet}}" from "{{book}}"
"colontitles_top_rigth": "", // Example: Page #{{page}}
"colontitles_bottom_left": "", // TODO: is there a way to get total number of pages?
"colontitles_bottom_center": "", // 👉 multiline colontitles are not allowed
"colontitles_bottom_rigth": "", // 👉 if set, colontitles will show even if all margins = 0
// 👉 parse dates on your side to get more flexible uotput
// Special tags for custom colontitles
// ......................................................................................
"tag_open": "{{", // optional, default - {{
"tag_close": "}}", // optional, default - }}
"call_page_num": "page", // optional, default - page
"call_sheet": "sheet", // optional, default - sheet
"call_workbook": "book" // optional, default - book
function myTestDefaults() {
var test = Sheets2Pdf.getOriginalParameters({
file_id: '1ycWG5XxVK8ZI6MrEiumuNXP9MDvh4dbJbydVWYmaVis',
sheet_names: 'Sheet1',
function myTestBlob() {
var blob = Sheets2Pdf.getBlob({
file_id: '1ycWG5XxVK8ZI6MrEiumuNXP9MDvh4dbJbydVWYmaVis',
sheet_names: 'Sheet1',
function myTest2Drive() {
var test = Sheets2Pdf.save2Drive({
file_id: '1ycWG5XxVK8ZI6MrEiumuNXP9MDvh4dbJbydVWYmaVis',
sheet_names: 'Sheet1',
console.log(test); // output object
function myTestUrl() {
var url = Sheets2Pdf.getUrl({
file_id: '1ycWG5XxVK8ZI6MrEiumuNXP9MDvh4dbJbydVWYmaVis',
sheet_names: 'Sheet1',
Reproduce the folowing in Chrome:
- Create a new Google Sheet (use fast url:
- Press [Ctrl]+[P] to see printing settings
- Press [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[i] to open developer tools.
- Press [next] button in the printing settings
- Open network in developer console and find the line starting with "pdf..."
Source: this answer on StackOverflow.
Library of all possible parameters:
var datajson = [
"0", // Sheet Id
// Optional Range Borders
8, // row 1
13, // row 2
2, // column 1
7 // column 2
44776.5574952662, // timestamp
1, // show notes 1/0
null, /** TODO: find out what is it: allowad values: number or null */
0, // show gridlines 1/0
0, // show page numbers 1/0
0, // show workbook name 1/0
0, // show sheet name 1/0
0, // show current date
0, // show current time
1, // repeat freezed rows
1, // repeat freezed columns
2, // page order 1 = down, then over, 2 = over, then down
2, // show colontitles: 1 = not to show, 2 = show
// Colontitles are optional. set to null if not needed
// Colontitles|TOP
// Colontitles|TOP|LEFT
[ "h:mm:ss am/pm🌵 h:mm am/pm🌵 H:mm:ss🌵 H:mm" ],
// Colontitles|TOP|CENTER
[ "MM-dd-yyyy👀 M/d/yy👀 MM-dd-yy👀 M/d👀 MM-dd" ],
// Colontitles|TOP|RIGHT
[ "d-MMM😅d-MMM-yyyy😅MMMM d, yyyy😅MMMM d🥸😅MMM-d" ]
// Colontitles|BOTTOM
// Colontitles|BOTTOM|LEFT
[ "🎯 " ],
// Colontitles|BOTTOM|CENTER
[ "🔥 🔥 " ],
// Colontitles|BOTTOM|RIGHT
[ "M/d/yyyy👉🏻 yyyy-MM-dd" ]
2, // horizontal alignment: 1 = left, 2 = rigth, 3 = center
1 // vertical alignment: 1 = top, 2 = center, 3 = bottom
// size
"letter", // letter,tabloid,Legal,statement,executive,folio,A3,A4,A5,B4,B5
// or custom size in inches: 11x8.6 = W x H
// Q: can we use an array here?
0, // pare oriantation: 0 = horizontal, 1 = vertical
2, // scale: 1 = 100%, 2 = to width, 3 = to height, 4 = to page size, 5 = user defined, 6 = to page breaks
1, // user defined scale: 1 = 100%
// margins, inches
// narrow | wide | usual
0.75, // margin|TOP 0.75 1 0.75
0.75, // margin|BOTTOM 0.75 1 0.75
0.7, // margin|LEFT 0.25 1 0.7
0.7 // margin|RIGTH 0.25 1 0.7
// line breaks, if not used → set to null
// can be represented by a pair of same numbers
// line break starts after this line
"0", // sheet id
// horizontal line breaks
[ [ 0, 24 ],
[ 32, 32 ] ],
// vertical line breaks
[ [ 1, 1 ] ]