BG upgrades is using the django framework at its core.
The overall architecture should be pretty standard with one central form generated from tuckbox/templates/pattern_form.html.j2
It uses Redis and Celery to process the requests asynchronously (and report on progress).
- Python 3 (possibly also python3.X-dev on ubuntu)
(for full deployment)redis
To setup an environment, use virtualenv and install the packages listed in requirements.txt
$ virtualenv [--python=/your/path/to/python3] venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ webdrivermanager chrome --linkpath [folder in your PATH]
To run the tests:
$ ./ test --parallel
To get coverage report on the tests:
$ coverage run --source='.' --omit='venv/*' test --parallel
$ coverage report
$ coverage html
Run only Django's test server:
$ redis-server
$ watchmedo auto-restart --directory=./ --pattern="*.py" --recursive -- celery -A bg_upgrades worker -l info
$ ./ migrate
$ ./ runserver
Run uwsgi with the CLI options
$ uwsgi -H venv --socket mysite.sock --module bg_upgrades.wsgi --chmod-socket=664
To deploy, you need to setup those environment variables:
to 'False' -
. This can be generated:$ python -c 'from import get_random_secret_key; print(get_random_secret_key())'
to the folder with the project
Configuration for nginx should be updated with the right paths and placed in the right folder
on mac/etc/nginx/servers/
on linux
Start all those different services:
$ redis-server
$ celery -A bg_upgrades worker -l info
$ ./ migrate
$ ./ collectstatic
$ uwsgi --ini uwsgi.ini
Start the nginx server $ brew services restart nginx
$ sudo /etc/init.d/nginx restart
$ flower -A bg_upgrades
The overall deployment framework is using nginx and uWSGI as documented (here)[].
Set the environment variables: DOMAIN
to *.$DOMAIN
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot
$ sudo apt install python-certbot-nginx
$ sudo certbot -d $DOMAIN -d $WILDCARD --nginx --preferred-challenges dns certonly
Instructions also (here)[]
To find packages that need to be updated, you can check this link or run $ pip list --outdated
Then update:
$ pip install <package_name> --upgrade
Whenever the packages change, record the packages:
$ pip-chill freeze > requirements.txt
When the reference data needs to change for the graphics tests, run:
$ python -m tuckbox.test.tests_box
If running into permissions issues for using 'PDF' in ImageMagick, follow those instructions
The libraries this web application uses: