PinkMare was born from the need of wanting something like Miramare but with a bit more standing out colors.
The aim of Pinkmare was to add a dash of bright red colors to the theme, while creating a bit more pastel experience
Background art: Far From Tomorrow, by Alena Aenami
Plug 'matsuuu/pinkmare'
Pinkmare in the VSCode Marketplace
set termguicolors
colorscheme pinkmare
PinkMare works best with nvim-treesitter now!
Pinkmare has been kind of hacked together from the miramare theme, and isn't currently fully finished. Some coloring changes might come along the way, as well as updating the colors profiles to match the new settings.
Current tested environments are Javascript and Java (to an extent at least).
Feel free to contribute to the development of Pinkmare
Colorcodes used by pinkmare
- bg0 - Black
- bg1 - DarkGrey
- bg2 - DarkGrey
- bg3 - DarkGrey
- bg4 - Grey
- bg_red - DarkRed
- bg_green - DarkGreen
- bg_blue - DarkBlue
- fg - White
- red - Red
- orange - Orange
- yellow - Yellow
- green - Green
- cyan - Cyan
- blue - Blue
- purple - Purple
- grey - Grey
- light_grey - LightGrey
- gold - Gold
- none - NONE
let s:palette = {
\ 'bg0': ['#202330', '235', 'Black'],
\ 'bg1': ['#472541', '236', 'DarkGrey'],
\ 'bg2': ['#472541', '237', 'DarkGrey'],
\ 'bg3': ['#472541', '238', 'DarkGrey'],
\ 'bg4': ['#2d2f42', '239', 'Grey'],
\ 'bg_red': ['#f2448b', '52', 'DarkRed'],
\ 'bg_green': ['#333b2f', '22', 'DarkGreen'],
\ 'bg_blue': ['#203a41', '17', 'DarkBlue'],
\ 'fg': ['#FAE8B6', '223', 'White'],
\ 'red': ['#FF38A2', '167', 'Red'],
\ 'orange': ['#ffb347', '208', 'Red'],
\ 'yellow': ['#ffc85b', '214', 'Yellow'],
\ 'green': ['#9cd162', '108', 'Green'],
\ 'cyan': ['#87c095', '108', 'Cyan'],
\ 'blue': ['#eba4ac', '109', 'Blue'],
\ 'purple': ['#d9bcef', '175', 'Magenta'],
\ 'grey': ['#444444', '245', 'LightGrey'],
\ 'light_grey': ['#6D7A72', '245', 'LightGrey'],
\ 'gold': ['#fff0f5', '214', 'Yellow'],
\ 'none': ['NONE', 'NONE', 'NONE']
\ }