The code can be run using the following command with python 3.9:
pip install typing-extensions # install typing hints
This will run the best solution which has been explained in the report and output the final schedule along with the file bbschedule.log
containing the iteration level output. To change the method use you can change the values of explorer,bounder and brancher in the main function of branch_and_bound to the following:
explorer = JumpTracker() or DepthFirstSearch() or SimulatedAnnealingBranchLoyalty(heuristic=LevelHeuristic(level_modifier=reciprocal))
bounder = AllOthersOnTimePolicy()
brancher = AllBranchesPolicy(jobs, bounder) or BeamSearchPolicy(jobs, bounder, lambda level: 2) (where the third argument is the beam width when given a level)