This repository provides a PyTorch implementation of Stanford's tutorial on GCN for edge prediction found at: Graph Convolutional Prediction of Protein Interactions in Yeast
- numpy~=1.20.2
- scipy~=1.6.3
- networkx~=2.5.1
- torch~=1.8.1
- sklearn~=0.0
- scikit-learn~=0.24.2
The script trains the model for a specified number of epochs and performs inference at the end of training on the test set. The dataset used for this experiment is provided in the /data folder due its manageable size.
To run the script use the following command in the /src directory:
python --input_path <path to dataset> --epochs <number of training epochs> --learning_rate <well, LR :)> --model_path <path to save the trained model to> --hidden_dim <hidden layer dimension> --output_dim <graph embedding dimension>