An Angular implementation of the classic card game "Six Card Golf". I named this "Glof" because the rules that we play with deviate from the original game that it's really not even the same game, but slightly resembles it. My wife and I play this game all the time, and this project helps us play wherever we are!
NOTE: Install instructions below pictures
Check out alllll the good details over here on my website!
Until I find a solid hosting solution, here are the instructions for installing and playing on your own local network:
- Clone the project
- Download Node.js
- Download Angular CLI by opening a terminal and running: npm install -g @angular/cli
- Navigate into the "glof" directory and run: npm install
- Navigate into the "glof-server" directory and run: npm install
- Open the "app.component.ts" file and change the IP address to match the IP address of the machine you want to host from (leave the port alone)
- Open a second terminal and navigate to "glof-server" (in the first terminal, navigate back to "glof")
- In the glof-server terminal, run: node server.js
- In the glof terminal, run: ng serve --host
- Now on your computer or phone, open up your browser and go to: :4200 (e.g.