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How to Contrbute Code

Pat Dunlavey edited this page Sep 21, 2016 · 2 revisions
  1. If you do not have your own github account, sign up for one.
  2. Visit the home page for this repository and click "Fork" at the upper-right. This will create a repository within your github space that is a clone of this original.
  3. Clone your fork down to your development environment. Or if you have already cloned Islandora-Collaboration-Group/icg_csv_import, you can change the remote (instructions).
  4. Work on your local code, make changes, commit your changes, push back up to your github remote etc.
  5. You can keep your fork updated from the ICG master using this technique
  6. When you believe your work is ready for prime time, on your github repository, click the "Create Pull Request" button. Select Islandora-Collaboration-Group/icg_csv_import:master branch as the target. Describe the work you have done and what problem it solves.
  7. Other "watchers" on this repository will be notified of your pull request. They can merge it into their own forks and test it.
  8. Testers might have feedback for you and comment on the pull request. You might want to make changes and either withdraw your pull request or update it.
  9. Once we are satisfied that your work should be committed to the master branch, the pull request will be merged and closed.
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