pip3 install xcodelocalize
Аlso available installations via poetry or .whl file from github releases
Create Localizable.strings file and fill it with strings you want to localize.
/* optional description */ "[key]" = "[string]"; /* Example: */ "welcome text" = "Welcome to XCodelocalize";
Go to the project settings, add the desired languages.
Create localization (.strings) files for all selected languages.
There is a nice tutorial about ios app localization by kodeco (the new
to project root folder and run
xcodelocalize [OPTIONS]
python3 -m xcodelocalize [OPTIONS]
: code of the language from which all strings will be translated. [default: 'en'] -
--override / --no-override
: a boolean value that indicates whether strings that already exist in the file will be translated. Retranslate ifoverride
, skip ifno-override
. [default: no-override] -
--format-base / --no-format-base
: sort base file strings by key. [default: no-format-base] -
: Names of the strings files to be translated. Multiple files can be specified. If not specified, all files will be translated. [default: None]Example:
xcodelocalize --file InfoPlist xcodelocalize --file InfoPlist --file MainStoryboard --file Localizable
: Keys of the strings to be translated. Multiple keys can be specified. If not specified, all keys will be translated. [default: None] -
: Language codes of the strings files to be translated. Multiple language codes can be specified. If not specified, all files will be translated. [default: None] -
: One from [progress|errors|group|string]. [default: group] -
: Show info
The tool looks for .strings files in the current directory recursively, grouping and translating fully automatically. You can even run it in the root directory and localize all your projects at once.
Regular .strings, Info.plist, storyboards and intentdefinition files are supported.
Formated strings with %@ are supported.
Multiline strings are supported.
Comments are supported and will be copied to all files. Comments must not contain substrings in localizable strings format with comment, such as
/*[comment]*/ "[key]" = "[value]";
You can go to Target -> Build Phases -> New Run Script Phase
in your xcode project and paste xcodelocalize
there. It will localize necessary strings during build and your localization files will always be up to date.
Nice swift extension that allows you to do this
"welcome text".localized // will return "Welcome to XCodelocalize"
extension String {
var localized: String {
NSLocalizedString(self, tableName: nil, bundle: .main, value: self, comment: "")
func localized(_ arguments: String...) -> String {
String(format: self.localized, locale: Locale.current, arguments: arguments)