I build this as a way to practice my own Python skills.
All the challenges are taken from the freeCodeCamp curriculum fcc basic algorithms but adapted to work with Python.
I have solved the algorithms myself once, so hopefully it should all run properly. If you encounter any problems, do not hesitate to submit an issue to this repository.
You can also get the intermediate algorithm challenges
You can run the tests for each algorithm challenge by running the file. You can run it directly in your editor or in your terminal:
Python <filename>
The result should look like this:
Ran 7 tests in 0.001s
Of course the number of tests and time will vary, but the "OK" is what you are looking for. If some tests fail, you should see some details of what is not working. For example:
- "your result"
+ "the expected result"
I have included my solutions to each algorithm. They are not the only solution possible, and they are not necessarily the best solution.
I have included the license as found in the freeCodeCamp respository, which I assume is the proper thing to do. Feel free to correct me if there is any other credit I should give to the original material.