This was an assignment for the course Arbetsmetodik as part of my education (Frontend developer) at Medieinstitutet.
We were asked to take one our previous projects and refactor the code based on code smells and best practices.
During this assignment I chose to use conventional commits to practice writing more meaningful commits that are more clear and concise. I was thinking of using the gitmoji method but since I hadn´t used it before I and we only had a week I decided to stick with convetional commits.
Since the project I chose to refactor is an old group project and a project we did a while ago the SCSS we originally wrote is a bit messy. I decided to rewrite big parts of the code to have a more coherent naming convetion and follow the BEM method.
I chose to use stylelint to conform my SCSS to the standards of modern SCSS-writing.
I used ESLint & Prettier on all the code to conform to modern standards and keep the code as easy to read as possible.
As we originally wrote the code we wrote a lot of comments to communicate our different choices. Since then I have learned to write better code that is more easily read and cleaner in general and so I have decided to clean out a lot of the old comments and messy code in general.