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A Sphinx extension that adds a CMake domain.

NOTE: This software is currently in beta state. It is feature-complete for the first release and ready for being tested. There may still be bugs, though.


TODO: Update this when the package becomes available on PyPI.

Clone the sources and install via pip:

git clone
cd sphinx-cmake_domain
pip install .


Enabling the extension

In your add:

extensions = [
  # ...


sphinx-cmake_domain adds the following config settings:

Setting Default value Description
cmake_modules_add_extension False Show the .cmake file extension after module names
cmake_index_common_prefix [] A list of prefixes that will be ignored when sorting CMake objects in an index

Additionally, the following standard settings are supported:

Documenting variables

.. cmake:var:: MY_VARIABLE
  My first variable ever created!

.. cmake:var:: MY_OTHER_VARIABLE "value"

  This one even has a value!

The following options are supported:

Option Description
:noindexentry: Don't add this variable description to the index
:noindex: Don't allow cross-referencing this variable description. Implies :noindexentry:

The following doc fields are supported:

Field Description
:type: Type of a cache variable
:default: Default value of a cache variable
:value: Documents a possible value of the variable. Can be used repeatedly.

Documenting macros/functions

.. cmake:macro:: my_macro(<param1> <param2>)

  This macro does crazy things.

.. cmake:function:: my_function(<param1> <param2> \
                      SOURCES <source1>... \
                      [OPTIONAL] (EITHER|OR) [THIS|THAT] \
                      [DISPLAY_NAME <name> [FINAL]])

  This function does the same, but supports much fancier arguments.

Directives cmake:macro and cmake:functions are aliases for each other.

The following options are supported:

Option Description
:noindexentry: Don't add this macro/function description to the index
:noindex: Don't allow cross-referencing this macro/function description. Implies :noindexentry:

The following doc fields are supported:

Field Description
:param:1 Documents a parameter. For example: :param <param1>: , :param SOURCES:

1 Aliases are: :parameter:, :arg:, :argument:, :keyword: and :option:

Documenting modules

.. cmake:module:: MyModule

  I wrote a module. This is it. I'm proud of it.

The module name may optionally have a .cmake extension. Whether the extension is displayed or not is controlled by the cmake_modules_add_extension configuration setting, regardless of whether it is present in the definition or not.

The following options are supported:

Option Description
:noindexentry: Don't add this module description to the index
:noindex: Don't allow cross-referencing this module description. Implies :noindexentry:

Documenting build targets

.. cmake:target:: myapp

  Build this and be impressed.

The following options are supported:

Option Description
:noindexentry: Don't add this macro/function description to the index
:noindex: Don't allow cross-referencing this macro/function description. Implies :noindexentry:

Referencing CMake objects

All documented CMake objects can be referenced using the :any: role. In addition to that, the following roles are supported:

Role Description
:cmake:var: Links to a variable
:cmake:func: Links to a macro/function
:cmake:macro: Alias for :cmake:func:
:cmake:mod: Links to a module
:cmake:tgt: Links to a build target

The target name for :cmake:func: and :cmake:macro: may be specified with or without trailing parentheses. Whether parentheses are displayed solely depends on the value of the add_function_parentheses config setting, regardless of whether they are present in source code or not.

The target name for :cmake:mod may be specified with or without the .cmake suffix. Whether the suffix is displayed solely depends on the value of the cmake_modules_add_extension configuration setting, regardless of whether it is pressent in the source code or not.

CMake index

If the html_domain_indices config setting is enabled, an index of all documented CMake objects is generated in addition to the global index. The CMake index can be referenced using :ref:`cmake-index` .


This extension is open-source software, provided under the 3-Clause BSD license. See file LICENSE for further information.

Bugs, feedback & support

Reports and requests are welcome at Please use the search function before you post to avoid duplicate issues.


Pull requests are highly appreciated on GitHub.

Similar software

This extension is similar to the sphinxcontrib-cmakedomain extension. The latter seems to be no longer developed, though, and does no longer work with recent Sphinx versions. Also, this extension has some additional features over sphinxcontrib-cmakedomain and does not depend on any other packages except Sphinx.


This software is developed by Marco Koch [email protected].

Please note that I'm working on this extension in my spare time. It may thus take a while until I find the time to answer. If you don't hear back within two weeks, feel free to send me a reminder.