Easily create production ready AWS environments for hosting static files.
Using CloudFormation, the following resources are created for the stack:
- LogBucket - S3 bucket for storing bucket & CDN logs
- RootBucket - S3 bucket to store website files
- RedirectBucket & RedirectDistribution - for redirecting traffic from *.domain.com to the root domain.
- WebsiteCDN - Main CloudFront distribution
- StackUser & DeploymentKey - A user is created for the stack and a key is created to use for deployments
- Configure AWS CLI
Add the following scripts to package.json
"scripts": {
"aws:create-stack": "./aws-static-environment/create-stack.sh",
"aws:stack-info": "./aws-static-environment/stack-info.sh",
Create a new environment:
npm run aws:create-stack -- <domain> <environment>
Get the stack info
npm run aws:stack-info -- <environment>
The project name should also be provided when not running with npm.
./aws-static-environment/create-stack.sh <domain> <environment> <project name>
./aws-static-environment/stack-info.sh <environment> <project name>