A simple and interactive to-do list web application that allows users to add, delete, and mark tasks as completed. The app also saves the list in the browser's localStorage
to persist data across sessions.
- Add Tasks: Users can add new tasks to the list.
- Mark as Completed: Tasks can be checked off as completed.
- Delete Tasks: Users can remove tasks from the list.
- Save Progress: The to-do list is saved in
, so it persists even after page reloads. - Complete/Incomplete Task Toggle: Tasks can be toggled between completed and pending states.
- HTML: Structure of the webpage.
- CSS: Styling with custom design.
- JavaScript: Handles interactivity, including task creation, deletion, and marking as complete.
- Bootstrap: For basic layout and responsiveness.
- Font Awesome: For icons (e.g., delete icon).
- Add a Task: Type a task in the input field and click the "add" button.
- Mark a Task as Complete: Check the checkbox next to a task to mark it as completed.
- Delete a Task: Click the trash icon to remove a task from the list.
- Save the List: Click the "Save" button to save the list in