Nissan Leaf PTC heater
- batt pos. (+12V)
- nc
- batt neg. (GND)
- LIN bus
- nc
The HV connector uses an interlock. So the two small pins need to be shorted together.
The LNK304GN is used as a buck converter to generate 16V.
Using a multimeter on the diode setting, the HV input will show open in the correct polarity and 1.5V is the wrong polarity.
LIN bus:
The heater problely uses mlx80031/51 LIN bus transceiver.
Data master to heater:
adres | byte 1 | byte 2 | byte 3 | byte 4 | byte 5 | byte 6 | byte 7 | byte 8 | CRC |
0x3B | 0x00 | 0x00 | 0x64 | 0xC0 | 0xFF | 0x00 | 0x00 | 0x00 | 0xDE |
byte 3: The precentage of power 0-100.
Data reading from the heater:
adres | byte 1 | byte 2 | byte 3 | byte 4 | CRC |
0x24 | 0x00 | 0x48 | 0xFE | 0xFF | 0x54 |
byte 1: errors
byte 2: HV Current (0,2A/bit)
1: batt neg.(GND)
2: LIN bus
3: batt pos. (+12V)
A: HV interlock
B: HV interlock
+ & - High voltage
Red: 2 ptc’s 700W (1)
Yellow: 2 ptc’s 700W (2)
Bleu: 4 ptc’s 1400W (3)
Purple: 7 ptc’s 2450W (4)
Black: common connection (+350V)