Arkeo Protocol - Free Market Blockchain Data Infrastructure
arkeo is a blockchain built using Cosmos SDK and Tendermint and created with Ignite CLI.
Make sure your system is updated and set the system parameters correctly:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential curl wget jq make gcc chrony git
sudo su -c "echo 'fs.file-max = 65536' >> /etc/sysctl.conf"
sudo sysctl -p
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/.go
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.19.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo cp /usr/local/go /usr/local/.go -r
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go
cat <<'EOF' >>$HOME/.profile
export GOROOT=/usr/local/.go
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export GO111MODULE=on
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/.go/bin:$HOME/go/bin
source $HOME/.profile
Check if go is correctly installed:
go version
This should return something like "go version go1.18.1 linux/amd64"
Install the Arkeo binary
git clone
cd arkeo
git checkout ab05b124336ace257baa2cac07f7d1bfeed9ac02
make proto-gen install
[binary] version
[binary] keys add <key-name>
[binary] config chain-id arkeo
[binary] init <your_custom_moniker> --chain-id arkeo
curl -s | jq '.result.genesis' > ~/.arkeo/config/genesis.json
sudo ufw allow 26656
Set the seed in the config.toml (find seeds here: [insert link to file containing seeds]):
nano $HOME/.arkeo/config/config.toml
seeds="[put in seeds]"
indexer = "null"
Configure also the app.toml:
minimum-gas-prices = 0.001uarkeo
pruning: "custom"
pruning-keep-recent = "100"
pruning-keep-every = "0"
pruning-interval ="10"
snapshot-interval = 1000
snapshot-keep-recent = 2
sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/arkeod.service > /dev/null <<EOF
Description=Arkeo Daemon
ExecStart=$(which arkeod) start
sudo mv /etc/systemd/system/arkeod.service /lib/systemd/system/
sudo -S systemctl daemon-reload
sudo -S systemctl enable arkeod
sudo -S systemctl start arkeod
sudo systemctl enable arkeod.service && sudo systemctl start arkeod.service
Monitor using:
systemctl status arkeod
sudo journalctl -u arkeod -f
ignite chain serve
command installs dependencies, builds, initializes, and starts your
blockchain in development.
Your blockchain in development can be configured with config.yml
. To learn
more, see the Ignite CLI docs.
To release a new version of your blockchain, create and push a new tag with
prefix. A new draft release with the configured targets will be created.
git tag v0.1
git push origin v0.1
After a draft release is created, make your final changes from the release page and publish it.
To install the latest version of your blockchain node's binary, execute the following command on your machine:
curl! | sudo bash
should match the username
and repo_name
of the Github
repository to which the source code was pushed. Learn more about the install
We expose a testing framework that allows the definition of test cases and suites using a DSL in YAML. Providing a regular expression to the RUN
environment variable will match against files in test/regression/suites
to filter tests to run.
make test-regression
# with more detailed logs
DEBUG=1 make test-regression
# with specific test filters
RUN=initialize make test-regression
RUN=free-query test-regression
# overwrite export state
EXPORT=1 make test-regression
# check last run coverage
make test-regression-coverager
See more detailed information in test/regression/