Raku Rakuen is a secure encrypted comprehensive chat with profile management that offerrs several ways to engage in private chat, and establish private chat rooms on the fly.
You may log in by a Google or Facebook account thanks to the work of Dalton Hubble. The relationship between chatters and private chatters
is governed by a Directed Acyclic Graph that has a limit of two nodes depth. It is possible to chat while you view and hear those whom you chat with
thanks to the team of Janus, who greately facilitate the management of video and voice streams baesed on WebRTC -- the team who built a WebRTC layer to implement WebRTC signalig,
Janus WebRTC. The photo albume carousel is based on work by Vladimir Kharlampidi.
Raku Rakuen is basically a non-commercial playground to test and learn new technology and solutions. It has not gone serious through regular testing and is not at all readt for
productio; it should be regarded as a demo of how things work or may be done. My job is to design automated trading systems in Asia, which is totally unrelated to work on this project and corresponsing technologies.
Installation and setup are very primitive at this point. No standard database! Raku Rakuen uses a file based database solution where it stores data as serialized JSON, pictures, IMs and vids organized into directory structures.
The sofware is based on work by the follwing excellent contributors
- Dalton Hubble - San Fransicco, USA
- Lorenzo Miniero - Chickago. USA
- Alessandro Toppi - Chicago, USA
- Alexamirante - Chicago, USA
- Vladimir Kharlampidi - Russia
Malin Yamato Lääkkö, Tokyo Japan
To run the server in test mode with HTTP only, change the file TestEnvironment.go according to
your test environment and set the environment variable RakuRunMode to "Test". You may skip
Setup SSL/HTTPS and Domain name setups would you choose to run the server on your localhost
instead,such as http://localhost:port. Would you require video chat as well, pls follow
instructions as below to set up Janus media server.
The server expects SSL keys and certificates. If there are no corresponding key cert files, those are self signed and generated automatically. This is for testing purposes only and may only work with Firefox as a browser. For Opera and Chrome, however, I recoomend "lets encrypt" or youll upset those guys Opera and Chrome too much.
- A domain name
- A DNS server
- $ npm install -g emojionearea@^3.0.0
- $ apt-get install supervisor
- janus WebRTC gateway configured with websockets running on SSL wss. For installation, go to: https://github.com/meetecho/janus-gateway
- The example requires a working Go development environment. The Getting Started page describes how to install the development environment.
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install certbot
Alternative if you are using digitalocean: https://certbot-dns-digitalocean.readthedocs.io/en/stable/. If so skip the following instructions.
Create a certificate and DNS records for janus as it needs to be run over SSL on a non-standard port 8089
You need to add hostname media to your DNS server
$ sudo certbot -d host.domain --manual --preferred-challenges dns certonly
-- You will be asked to create a TXT record on your DNS server.
Add the string to your TXT record on your DNS servers zone
$ sudo nano /opt/janus/etc/janus/janus.cfg and janus.transport.http.cfg
#cert_pem = /opt/janus/share/janus/certs/mycert.pem
#cert_key = /opt/janus/share/janus/certs/mycert.key
cert_pem = /etc/letsencrypt/live/yourhostname.yourdomain/fullchain.pem
cert_key = /etc/letsencrypt/live/yourhostname.yourdomain/privkey.pem
go to> https://console.cloud.google.com/apis
go to OAuth agree screen to add your domain
Go to Credentials
Create credentials
Select "OAuth client ID"
Select "Web application"
Authorized redirect URIs should be
https:// yourhost.yourdomain /google/calllback
go to https://developers.facebook.com/apps/
Select "+ Add a New App"
Add your domain
Add your Site URL
Domain Manger -- add the path to your server
App Review
Make Rakuen Chat public?
Set "Yes"
+ Add Product
Select "Facebook Login"
Facebook Login
Enter into "Valid OAuth redirect URIs"
The default target of installation is: /var/www/raku. Once you have Go up and running, you can download, build and run the servers by using the following commands.
$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MalinYamato/chat/master/install.sh
$ sudo nano ./install.sh
set SITE="yourhostname.yourdomain"
$ sudo chmod +x install.sh
$ sudo ./install.sh
To install default configfiles, run with parameter "c" such as
$ sudo ./install.sh c
$ sudo nano /etc/supervisor/conf.d/startup_rakuen.conf
### Get application keys and secrets at Facebook and Google
1. Aquire Google and Facebook applikation keys and secrets <br>
2. Set the name of your your chat server hosts <br>
3. Decide a secret key to encrypt and decrypt cokkies <br>
#### Configure startup_rakuen.conf as follow
- GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID="your-google-id" <br>
- GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET="your-secret"
- FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID="your-google-id" <br>
- CHAT_HOST="yourhost.yourdomain"
- CHAT_PRIVATE_KEY=" bla bla blasdfsdff" R
$ sudo supervisorctl reload
To use the chat example, open https://yourdomain/ in your browser.