- coco.txt: Text file with several object classes in string form.
- dataGenerator.py: Algorithm to expand our dataset.
- main.py: Algorithm to count objects from IP webcam (Android only).
- mySample.mp4: Small video sample for test usage.
- resampled_data.csv: Data after expansion.
- sample2.mp4: Another video sample for test usage.
- test.py: Test file to see if IP webcam is working.
- tracker.py:
class for object tracking (do NOT modify). - traffic_data_6_2023.csv: Data we collected from a real-time video.
- yolov8s.pt: Pre-trained weights of YOLO model to recognize objects (do NOT delete or modify).
- simple_preprocessor.py: Preprocess data for our AI model.
- train.csv: Training dataset.
- test.csv: Testing dataset.
- data.png: Graph that shows the predicted data vs the actual data.
- training_mae.png: Graph that shows training and validation error.
- cnn1D.py: Contains 3 functions (one for each model including CNN, RNN).
- Hint: If you want to change the model, just change the function name in
and that's it.
- Hint: If you want to change the model, just change the function name in
trained_cnn.h5: Saved binary form of our model's trained weights to use them in prediction and avoid training every time.
predict_traffic.py: Algorithm to predict the traffic for 1 month.
train_model.py: Algorithm to train our model using preprocessed data of 2 months.
For directions on how to run and more explanations, please look inside the files.