Christmas xp is a Digital Advent Calendar featuring artists everyday until christmas :)
Christmas Experiments is a project with a community composed of many top digital artist all around the world like Acko, Mrdoob, Matt Groves, Cabibbo, Nicoptere, Brunoimbrizi, Saqoosha... and the list is long. This year, we decided to open it to more people to spotlight new talents, with the same desire of quality that we have since the start. Therefore, each day will have a limited number of places/chocolates available. If you wish to contribute to the adventure, please check the followings:
- all style accepted but keep a high quality
- match the theme of christmas / winter
- work on the latest chrome
- you can use any web technology
- you can work alone or in team
- in case of installation, simply provide the video link
- in case of motion design, simply provide the video link
- xpname/index.html use this model : don't change the meta
- xpname/preview.jpg : picture of your experiments (640x640)
- xpname/facebook.jpg : picture of your experiments for facebook (1200x630)
- xpname/twitter.jpg : picture of your experiments for twitter (590x295)
- xpname/author.jpg : picture of you (640x640)
- xpname/infos.json : use this model
- all files required need to be join when possible (js/libs/sound/video/etc..) (v.alpha) if you meet any bugs, thanks to report it as issue on github.
- zip it and send it to [email protected] for review
- the email should contain a url to test your experiments directly.
- if you wish a special day, thanks to let us know.
- you'll receive an email which will indicate you which day your experiment will be published.
Nb: Due to the limited number of place and to keep the savour of christmas experiments, only the top experiments will be featured everyday.
- Director: David Ronai / @makio64
- Artistic director: Lionel Taurus / @filsdegraphiste
- Creative developer: Florian Zumbrunn / @florianzumbrunn
- Damien Moritini / @dmmn
- Nicolas Baradeau / @nicoptere
- Gregoire Divaret / @grgrdvrt
- William Mappan / @willamappan
- Franco Bouly / @rayfranco
##Artists this year : Coming soon