is a low latency HET observation planner for GW events. DIAGNOSIS
is a modular code that will:
- Continuosly listen to the Gamma-ray Coordinates Network/Transient Astronomy Network (GCN/TAN) for alerts on gravitational wave events.
- When triggered, if the event is likely to be a binary neutron star merger (BNS) or a black hole-neutron star merger (BHNS),
will download the asociated skymap, identify if and when the 90% confidence region falls within the HET pupil, and if so, inform the observers. DIAGNOSIS
will also query a galaxy catalog (for now GLADE) for galaxies within the observable 90% probability region, organize them by probability, give their local sidereal times (LSTs) to start observations and make a .tsl file for phase II in HET observations.- Finally, if VIRUS were to locate the source of the gravitational waves,
also provides a tool to report the coordinates back to the GCN/TAN.
This is a beta tool.
relies on a few third-party Python packages. These include:
- astropy
- pygcn
- healpy
- numpy
- matplotlib
- scipy
- argparse
- astroquery
- pandas
The fastest way to install the dependencies is with pip, a package manager that comes with most Python distributions. To install these packages with pip, run the following command:
$ pip install astropy pygcn healpy numpy matplotlib scipy argparse astroquery pandas
can be acquired simply with:
git clone https://github.com/Majoburo/Diagnosis.git
In order to alert the relevant parties, DIAGNOSIS
requires sensitive information that cannot be saved in a public git repository. Before running, be sure to acquire recipients.py
scp [email protected]:/work/03237/majoburo/stampede2/DIAGNOSIS/recipients.py
is meant to be constantly running in the background in order to listen and process any GCN/TAN alerts.
can also be run once to process a specific event within the gracedb database using the toggle --graceid
Details respect to the inputs can be seen in the arguments below.
usage: diagnose.py [-h] [-g GRACEID] recipients
Receive and parse GCN alerts, alert observers and create observing tools.
positional arguments:
recipients Specify python file with list of recipients.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-g GRACEID, --graceid GRACEID
graceID of event
If VIRUS were to locate the source of the gravitational waves, DIAGNOSIS
also provides submit_gracedb.py, a tool to report the coordinates back to the GCN/TAN.
In order to submit GCN alerts you will have to sign up to the GCN network. Please follow steps 1 and 2 in the LIGO-Virgo EM Follow-Up Tutorial to do so.
Details with respect to the input arguments of submit_gracedb.py are below.
usage: submit_gracedb.py [-h] [-c COMMENT]
group grace_id ralist declist rawithlist decwithlist
durationlist starttimelist
Submit event to GraceDB
positional arguments:
group MOU group responsible
grace_id Identifier for the GW event
ralist List of ra of centers of footprints (degrees)
declist List of ra of centers of footprints (degrees)
rawithlist List (or one for all) of footprint widths in ra (degrees)
decwithlist List (or one for all) of footprint widths in dec (degrees)
durationlist List (or one for all) of exposure times in sec
starttimelist List of beginnings of exposures (utc)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c COMMENT Comments
Healpy probability skymap of the GW event.
List of all galaxies, within the 90% confidence region observable by HET, with at most 99% of the probability of the most probable galaxy .
List of at most 100 most probable observable galaxies with their corresponding LSTs.
List of at most 100 most probable observable galaxies formated for phase II observations.
Mollweide projection plot of the sky for the time of the alert. It displays:
- PURPLE: HET pupil.
- GREEN: 18 degree circle around the sun.
- GREY: AirMass > 2.5.
- BLUE: 90% probability region.
- PINK: Bellow the horizon.
Plot of at most 100 most probable observable galaxies with their corresponding LSTs.