This is a tutorial to employ echo state networks (ESNs) and long short-term memory networks (LSTMs) for the prediction and analysis of chaotic dynamics.
This library contains both Tensorflow
and PyTorch
implementations for the LSTM and employs the Magrilab/EchoStateNetwork. Please note that encountered issues may be addressed there.
The example system found here is the Lorenz 63 system, which is found in dynamicalsystems.equations
The tutorial for the LSTM can be found in LSTM_Tutorial_Lorenz63.ipynb
and the ESN can be found in ESB_Tutorial_Lorenz63.ipynb
You can find a list of requirements in requirements.txt
. We recommend installing the requirements in a conda environment.
For numpy version > 1.15, there may be a error occurring; this is due to a missing bugfix from skopt. Follow the instructions of this issue:Resolve Deprecated Numpy Attribute Error