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This reverts commit 0aa7856.
  • Loading branch information
pchalamet committed Jun 6, 2024
1 parent 0aa7856 commit e717ef0
Showing 1 changed file with 158 additions and 159 deletions.
317 changes: 158 additions & 159 deletions src/Terrabuild/Core/Build.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -127,6 +127,10 @@ let run (configuration: Configuration.Workspace) (graph: Graph.Workspace) (cache
| _ -> NodeStatus.Unfulfilled nodeInfo

let buildNode (node: Graph.Node) =
// determine if step node can be reused or not
let useRemoteCache = Cacheability.Never <> (node.Cache &&& cacheMode)
let cacheEntryId = $"{node.ProjectHash}/{node.Target}/{node.Hash}"

notification.NodeDownloading node
let isAllSatisfied =
Expand All @@ -135,152 +139,150 @@ let run (configuration: Configuration.Workspace) (graph: Graph.Workspace) (cache
|> Seq.isEmpty

if isAllSatisfied then
let projectDirectory =
match node.Project with
| FS.Directory projectDirectory -> projectDirectory
| FS.File projectFile -> FS.parentDirectory projectFile
| _ -> "."

let cacheEntryId = $"{node.ProjectHash}/{node.Target}/{node.Hash}"

// check first if it's possible to restore previously built state
let summary =
if options.Force || node.Cache = Cacheability.Never then None
// determine if step node can be reused or not
let useRemoteCache = Cacheability.Never <> (node.Cache &&& cacheMode)

// get task execution summary & take care of retrying failed tasks
match cache.TryGetSummary useRemoteCache cacheEntryId with
| Some summary when summary.Status = Cache.TaskStatus.Failure && options.Retry -> None
| Some summary -> Some summary
| _ -> None

match summary with
| Some summary ->
Log.Debug("{Hash}: Restoring '{Project}/{Target}' from cache", node.Hash, node.Project, node.Target)
match summary.Outputs with
| Some outputs ->
let files = IO.enumerateFiles outputs
IO.copyFiles projectDirectory outputs files |> ignore
| _ -> ()
Some summary, true

| _ ->
Log.Debug("{Hash}: Building '{Project}/{Target}'", node.Hash, node.Project, node.Target)
let cacheEntry = cache.CreateEntry configuration.SourceControl.CI cacheEntryId
notification.NodeBuilding node

// NOTE:
// we use ProjectHash here because it's interesting from a cache perspective
// some binaries could have been cached in homedir, let's reuse them if available
let homeDir = cache.CreateHomeDir node.ProjectHash

let allCommands =
|> List.collect (fun batch ->
batch.Actions |> List.mapi (fun index commandLine ->
let cmd = "docker"
let wsDir = Environment.CurrentDirectory

let getContainerUser (container: string) =
match containerInfos.TryGetValue(container) with
| true, whoami ->
Log.Debug("Reusing USER {whoami} for {container}", whoami, container)
| _ ->
// discover USER
let args = $"run --rm --name {node.Hash} --entrypoint whoami {container}"
let whoami =
Log.Debug("Identifying USER for {container}", container)
match Exec.execCaptureOutput workspaceDir cmd args with
| Exec.Success (whoami, 0) -> whoami.Trim()
| _ ->
Log.Debug("USER identification failed for {container}: using root", container)

Log.Debug("Using USER {whoami} for {container}", whoami, container)
containerInfos.TryAdd(container, whoami) |> ignore

let metaCommand =
if index = 0 then batch.MetaCommand
else "+++"

match batch.Container with
| None -> metaCommand, projectDirectory, commandLine.Command, commandLine.Arguments, batch.Container
| Some container ->
let whoami = getContainerUser container
let envs =
|> (fun var -> $"-e {var}")
|> String.join " "
let args = $"run --rm --net=host --name {node.Hash} -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v {homeDir}:/{whoami} -v {wsDir}:/terrabuild -w /terrabuild/{projectDirectory} --entrypoint {commandLine.Command} {envs} {container} {commandLine.Arguments}"
metaCommand, workspaceDir, cmd, args, batch.Container))

let beforeFiles =
if node.IsLeaf then IO.Snapshot.Empty // FileSystem.createSnapshot projectDirectory node.Outputs
else IO.createSnapshot node.Outputs projectDirectory

let stepLogs = List<Cache.StepSummary>()
let mutable lastExitCode = 0
let mutable cmdLineIndex = 0
let cmdFirstStartedAt = DateTime.UtcNow
let mutable cmdLastEndedAt = cmdFirstStartedAt

while cmdLineIndex < allCommands.Length && lastExitCode = 0 do
let startedAt =
if cmdLineIndex > 0 then DateTime.UtcNow
else cmdFirstStartedAt
let metaCommand, workDir, cmd, args, container = allCommands[cmdLineIndex]
let logFile = cacheEntry.NextLogFile()
cmdLineIndex <- cmdLineIndex + 1

Log.Debug("{Hash}: Running '{Command}' with '{Arguments}'", node.Hash, cmd, args)
let exitCode = Exec.execCaptureTimestampedOutput workDir cmd args logFile
cmdLastEndedAt <- DateTime.UtcNow
let endedAt = cmdLastEndedAt
let duration = endedAt - startedAt
let stepLog = { Cache.StepSummary.MetaCommand = metaCommand
Cache.StepSummary.Command = cmd
Cache.StepSummary.Arguments = args
Cache.StepSummary.Container = container
Cache.StepSummary.StartedAt = startedAt
Cache.StepSummary.EndedAt = endedAt
Cache.StepSummary.Duration = duration
Cache.StepSummary.Log = logFile
Cache.StepSummary.ExitCode = exitCode }
stepLog |> stepLogs.Add
lastExitCode <- exitCode
Log.Debug("{Hash}: Execution completed with '{Code}'", node.Hash, exitCode)

notification.NodeUploading node
let afterFiles = IO.createSnapshot node.Outputs projectDirectory

// keep only new or modified files
let newFiles = afterFiles - beforeFiles

// create an archive with new files
let outputs = IO.copyFiles cacheEntry.Outputs projectDirectory newFiles

let status =
if lastExitCode = 0 then
Log.Debug("{Hash}: Marking as success", node.Hash)
if node.Required then
let projectDirectory =
match node.Project with
| FS.Directory projectDirectory -> projectDirectory
| FS.File projectFile -> FS.parentDirectory projectFile
| _ -> "."

// check first if it's possible to restore previously built state
let summary =
if options.Force || node.Cache = Cacheability.Never then None
Log.Debug("{Hash}: Marking as failed", node.Hash)

let summary = { Cache.TargetSummary.Project = node.Project
Cache.TargetSummary.Target = node.Target
Cache.TargetSummary.Steps = stepLogs |> List.ofSeq
Cache.TargetSummary.Outputs = outputs
Cache.TargetSummary.Status = status
Cache.TargetSummary.StartedAt = cmdFirstStartedAt
Cache.TargetSummary.EndedAt = cmdLastEndedAt }
let files, size = cacheEntry.Complete summary
api |> Option.iter (fun api -> api.BuildAddArtifact buildId node.Project node.Target node.ProjectHash node.Hash files size (status = Cache.TaskStatus.Success))
Some summary, false
// get task execution summary & take care of retrying failed tasks
match cache.TryGetSummary useRemoteCache cacheEntryId with
| Some summary when summary.Status = Cache.TaskStatus.Failure && options.Retry -> None
| Some summary -> Some summary
| _ -> None

match summary with
| Some summary ->
Log.Debug("{Hash}: Restoring '{Project}/{Target}' from cache", node.Hash, node.Project, node.Target)
match summary.Outputs with
| Some outputs ->
let files = IO.enumerateFiles outputs
IO.copyFiles projectDirectory outputs files |> ignore
| _ -> ()
Some summary, true

| _ ->
Log.Debug("{Hash}: Building '{Project}/{Target}'", node.Hash, node.Project, node.Target)
let cacheEntry = cache.CreateEntry configuration.SourceControl.CI cacheEntryId
notification.NodeBuilding node

// NOTE:
// we use ProjectHash here because it's interesting from a cache perspective
// some binaries could have been cached in homedir, let's reuse them if available
let homeDir = cache.CreateHomeDir node.ProjectHash

let allCommands =
|> List.collect (fun batch ->
batch.Actions |> List.mapi (fun index commandLine ->
let cmd = "docker"
let wsDir = Environment.CurrentDirectory

let getContainerUser (container: string) =
match containerInfos.TryGetValue(container) with
| true, whoami ->
Log.Debug("Reusing USER {whoami} for {container}", whoami, container)
| _ ->
// discover USER
let args = $"run --rm --name {node.Hash} --entrypoint whoami {container}"
let whoami =
Log.Debug("Identifying USER for {container}", container)
match Exec.execCaptureOutput workspaceDir cmd args with
| Exec.Success (whoami, 0) -> whoami.Trim()
| _ ->
Log.Debug("USER identification failed for {container}: using root", container)

Log.Debug("Using USER {whoami} for {container}", whoami, container)
containerInfos.TryAdd(container, whoami) |> ignore

let metaCommand =
if index = 0 then batch.MetaCommand
else "+++"

match batch.Container with
| None -> metaCommand, projectDirectory, commandLine.Command, commandLine.Arguments, batch.Container
| Some container ->
let whoami = getContainerUser container
let envs =
|> (fun var -> $"-e {var}")
|> String.join " "
let args = $"run --rm --net=host --name {node.Hash} -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v {homeDir}:/{whoami} -v {wsDir}:/terrabuild -w /terrabuild/{projectDirectory} --entrypoint {commandLine.Command} {envs} {container} {commandLine.Arguments}"
metaCommand, workspaceDir, cmd, args, batch.Container))

let beforeFiles =
if node.IsLeaf then IO.Snapshot.Empty // FileSystem.createSnapshot projectDirectory node.Outputs
else IO.createSnapshot node.Outputs projectDirectory

let stepLogs = List<Cache.StepSummary>()
let mutable lastExitCode = 0
let mutable cmdLineIndex = 0
let cmdFirstStartedAt = DateTime.UtcNow
let mutable cmdLastEndedAt = cmdFirstStartedAt

while cmdLineIndex < allCommands.Length && lastExitCode = 0 do
let startedAt =
if cmdLineIndex > 0 then DateTime.UtcNow
else cmdFirstStartedAt
let metaCommand, workDir, cmd, args, container = allCommands[cmdLineIndex]
let logFile = cacheEntry.NextLogFile()
cmdLineIndex <- cmdLineIndex + 1

Log.Debug("{Hash}: Running '{Command}' with '{Arguments}'", node.Hash, cmd, args)
let exitCode = Exec.execCaptureTimestampedOutput workDir cmd args logFile
cmdLastEndedAt <- DateTime.UtcNow
let endedAt = cmdLastEndedAt
let duration = endedAt - startedAt
let stepLog = { Cache.StepSummary.MetaCommand = metaCommand
Cache.StepSummary.Command = cmd
Cache.StepSummary.Arguments = args
Cache.StepSummary.Container = container
Cache.StepSummary.StartedAt = startedAt
Cache.StepSummary.EndedAt = endedAt
Cache.StepSummary.Duration = duration
Cache.StepSummary.Log = logFile
Cache.StepSummary.ExitCode = exitCode }
stepLog |> stepLogs.Add
lastExitCode <- exitCode
Log.Debug("{Hash}: Execution completed with '{Code}'", node.Hash, exitCode)

notification.NodeUploading node
let afterFiles = IO.createSnapshot node.Outputs projectDirectory

// keep only new or modified files
let newFiles = afterFiles - beforeFiles

// create an archive with new files
let outputs = IO.copyFiles cacheEntry.Outputs projectDirectory newFiles

let status =
if lastExitCode = 0 then
Log.Debug("{Hash}: Marking as success", node.Hash)
Log.Debug("{Hash}: Marking as failed", node.Hash)

let summary = { Cache.TargetSummary.Project = node.Project
Cache.TargetSummary.Target = node.Target
Cache.TargetSummary.Steps = stepLogs |> List.ofSeq
Cache.TargetSummary.Outputs = outputs
Cache.TargetSummary.Status = status
Cache.TargetSummary.StartedAt = cmdFirstStartedAt
Cache.TargetSummary.EndedAt = cmdLastEndedAt }
let files, size = cacheEntry.Complete summary
api |> Option.iter (fun api -> api.BuildAddArtifact buildId node.Project node.Target node.ProjectHash node.Hash files size (status = Cache.TaskStatus.Success))
Some summary, false
cache.TryGetSummaryOnly useRemoteCache cacheEntryId, false
None, false

Expand All @@ -292,20 +294,17 @@ let run (configuration: Configuration.Workspace) (graph: Graph.Workspace) (cache
let rec queueAction (nodeId: string) =
let node = graph.Nodes[nodeId]

if node.Required then
let summary, restored = buildNode node
notification.NodeCompleted node restored summary
restoredNodes.TryAdd(nodeId, restored) |> ignore

// schedule children nodes if ready
let triggers = reverseIncomings[nodeId]
for trigger in triggers do
let newValue = System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement(readyNodes[trigger])
if newValue = 0 then
readyNodes[trigger].Value <- -1 // mark node as scheduled
buildQueue.Enqueue (fun () -> queueAction trigger)
restoredNodes.TryAdd(nodeId, false) |> ignore
let summary, restored = buildNode node
notification.NodeCompleted node restored summary
restoredNodes.TryAdd(nodeId, restored) |> ignore

// schedule children nodes if ready
let triggers = reverseIncomings[nodeId]
for trigger in triggers do
let newValue = System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement(readyNodes[trigger])
if newValue = 0 then
readyNodes[trigger].Value <- -1 // mark node as scheduled
buildQueue.Enqueue (fun () -> queueAction trigger)

Expand Down

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