Author: Thierry Vilmart
May 2021
A training project with SwiftUI and RXSwift.
A screenshot showing the result is available in the main folder.
A table view shows a list of dogs that can be makred as favorites. The update of the number in the app bar is updated using RxSwift.
It really seems that, as of May 2021, RxSwift needs to use ObservableObject in order to trigger an update of the UI. But it works as shown in this project, and it looks fine.
The table view was taken from the blog below, and was then customized (for colors), and a favorite star component was added.
See the licenses folder. All is free to use with the licenses, except the star icons that are only for personal projects (they limited the license),
If Pod install fails try this; pod install will crash unless this is done: gem install ffi -- --enable-system-libffi --enable-libffi-alloc As explained here for Apple silicon:
Goog link illustrating that when using RxSwift we need ObservableObject to set up a binding with the UI
Good link about the ObservableObject to update the UI from an event
super old 2017 RxSwift blog (do not run too old)
The table view was highly inspired from the blog below. And then customized. // Recent table view blog //
trick in the SceneDelegate to fix the black scrren in the above sample called Tutor