pycoMethFlow is a Nextflow pipeline for running minimap2 + nanopolish call-methylation + pycoMeth on multiple samples and across multiple infrastructures in a streamlined, portable and reproducible manner.
git clone
cd pycoMethFlow
chmod 755 *
The pycoMethFlow pipeline requires you to open pycomethflow.conf configuration file and set the desired options. Then, you can run the pipeline using either docker or singularity environments just specifying a value for the -profile variable.
nextflow -c pycomethflow.conf run \
--samples = "samples.txt" \
--results_dir = "results_dir" \
--reference = "file.fasta" \
--gff = "file.gff" \
-profile docker
Mandatory argument:
-profile Configuration profile to use. Available: docker, singularity
Other mandatory arguments which may be specified in the pycomethflow.conf file
--samples Path to tab separated sample sheet containing sample_name /path/to/file.fastq /path/to/fast5_dir /path/to/sequencing_summary.txt
--results_dir Directory where results are stored
--reference Reference file in fasta format
--gff Annotation file in gff3 format
For further information, please refer to the following manuscripts:
Li H. Minimap2: pairwise alignment for nucleotide sequences. Bioinformatics. 2018 Sep 15;34(18):3094-3100. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bty191. PMID: 29750242; PMCID: PMC6137996.
Simpson, J., Workman, R., Zuzarte, P. et al. Detecting DNA cytosine methylation using nanopore sequencing. Nat Methods 14, 407–410 (2017).
PycoMeth: A toolbox for differential methylation testing from Nanopore methylation calls. Rene Snajder, Oliver Stegle, Marc Jan Bonder. bioRxiv 2022.02.16.480699; doi: