CharONT is no longer mantained. Please use CharONT2 pipeline instead.
CharONT is a consensus calling pipeline meant for characterizing long genomic regions - such as Short Tandem Repeats - from organisms with ploidy >= 1. Starting from ONT reads including a shared flanking sequence, it provides consensus sequences for each allele and tandem repeats annotations. In case you used an enrichment method different to PCR (e.g. CRISPR-Cas9 or Xdrop), or performed WGS, amplicon-like sequences can be extracted in-silico based on known flanking sequences. Moreover, a preprocessing pipeline is provided, so to make the whole bioinformatic analysis from raw fast5 files to consensus sequences straightforward and simple. Since v1.1.0, support for polyploid organisms (n > 2) is enabled.
- Miniconda3.
Tested with conda 4.9.2.
which conda
should return the path to the executable. If you don't have Miniconda3 installed, you could download and install it with:
chmod 755
Then, after completing CharONT installation, set the MINICONDA_DIR variable in config_CharONT.R to the full path to miniconda3 directory.
- Guppy, the software for basecalling and demultiplexing provided by ONT. Tested with Guppy v6.4. If you don't have Guppy installed, choose an appropriate version and install it. For example, you could download and unpack the archive with:
wget /path/to/ont-guppy-cpu_version_of_interest.tar.gz
tar -xf ont-guppy-cpu_version_of_interest.tar.gz
A directory ont-guppy-cpu should have been created in your current directory. Then, after completing CharONT installation, set the BASECALLER_DIR variable in config_CharONT.R to the full path to ont-guppy-cpu/bin directory.
- pcrclipreads.jar and samextractclip.jar from jvarkit, but only if you intend to use script.
git clone
cd CharONT
chmod 755 *
Otherwise, you can download a docker image with:
docker pull maestsi/charont:latest
A conda environment named CharONT_env is created, where emboss, vsearch, seqtk, mafft, minimap2, samtools, racon, medaka, NanoFilt, Tandem Repeat Finder, BBMap and R with package Biostrings are installed. Another conda environment named pycoQC_env is created, where pycoQC is installed. Then, you can open the config_CharONT.R file with a text editor and set the variables PIPELINE_DIR and MINICONDA_DIR to the value suggested by the installation step.
Identification of reads from the two alleles
After creating a preliminary consensus sequence for Allele #1, all reads are mapped to it and, based on the CIGAR string, the biggest DEL and INS are identified for each read, resulting in a bidimensional Score. At this point, reads with either component of the Score deviating from the 1st or 3rd inter quartile range (IQR) for more than IQR_outliers_coef_precl*IQR are labelled as candidate outliers, and are excluded from the k-means clustering. After clustering, IQR is computed within each cluster for both components of the Score, and reads with either component deviating from the 1st or 3rd IQR for more than IQR_outliers_coef*IQR are labelled as outliers. Scores are plotted so that the user may tune IQR_outliers_coef_precl and IQR_outliers_coef parameters according to their preferences, based on visual inspection of <sample_name>_reads_scores.png. In the provided example, reads from Allele #2 show 400 bp INS with respect to Allele #1. Notably, one read with 1000 bp INS is identified, which may indicate a somatic variant.
Also in case the SV is too big to allow mapping of reads at both 5' and 3' flanking regions, the size of the SV is estimated from soft-clipping. In particular, depending on whether soft-clipping occurs at the 5' end a) or at the 3' end b), a different formula is applied for calculating the size of the SV compared to Allele #1, used as a Reference.
The CharONT pipeline can be applied either starting from raw fast5 files, or from already basecalled and demultiplexed sequences. In both cases, the first step of the pipeline requires you to open the config_CharONT.R file with a text editor and to modify it according to the features of your sequencing experiment and your preferences. If you have already basecalled and demultiplexed your sequences, you can run the pipeline using the CharONT.R script. Otherwise, you can run the pipeline using the script. If you have basecalled sequences that need filtering and trimming to look like PCR amplicons, the script can be applied prior to CharONT.R.
Usage: Rscript CharONT.R <analysis_dir>
Note: Activate the virtual environment with source activate CharONT_env
before running. The script is run by CharONT_preprocessing.R, but can be also run as a main script if you have already basecalled and demultiplexed your sequences.
- <analysis_dir>: directory containing fastq files for each sample
Outputs (saved in <analysis_dir>):
- <sample_name>_allele_<x>.fasta: consensus sequence for allele <x> in fasta format
- <sample_name>_allele_<x>.fasta.<trf_scores>.html>: Tandem Repeat Finder report for allele <x> sequence
- <sample_name>: directory including intermediate files
Usage: <fast5_dir>
Note: modify config_CharONT.R before running; the script runs the full pipeline from raw fast5 files to consensus sequences.
- <fast5_dir>: directory containing raw fast5 files
Outputs (saved in <fast5_dir>_analysis/analysis):
- <sample_name>_allele_<x>.fasta: consensus sequence for first allele in fasta format
- <sample_name>_allele_<x>.fasta.<trf_scores>.html: Tandem Repeat Finder report for first allele sequence
- <sample_name>: directory including intermediate files
Outputs (saved in <fast5_dir>_analysis/qc):
- Read length distributions and pycoQC report
Outputs (saved in <fast5_dir>_analysis/basecalling):
- Temporary files for basecalling
Outputs (saved in <fast5_dir>_analysis/preprocessing):
- Temporary files for demultiplexing, filtering based on read length and adapters trimming
Usage: <sample_name>.fastq <primer_sequence_one> <primer_sequence_two> <pcr_id_thr>
Note: Activate the virtual environment with source activate CharONT_env
before running.
- <sample_name>.fastq: fastq file containing reads that need filtering and trimming to look like amplicons
- <primer_sequence_one>: sequence of first in-silico PCR primer to look for, flanking the region of interest
- <primer_sequence_two>: sequence of second in-silico PCR primer to look for, flanking the region of interest
- <pcr_id_thr>: minimum identity threshold that in-silico PCR primers need for annealing
- <sample_name>_trimmed.fastq: fastq file containing amplicon-like sequences extracted from <sample_name>.fastq based on <primer_sequence_one> and <primer_sequence_two> sequences
- <sample_name>_in_silico_pcr_one.sam: sam file containing alignments between <primer_sequence_one> and <fastq_reads>
- <sample_name>_in_silico_pcr_two.sam: sam file containing alignments between <primer_sequence_two> and <fastq_reads>
Usage: <sample_name>.fastq <reference_genome>.fasta <target_file>.bed
Note: Activate the virtual environment with source activate CharONT_env
before running; moreover, pcrclipreads.jar and samextractclip.jar from jvarkit should be installed.
- <sample_name>.fastq: fastq file containing reads that need filtering and trimming and chimera removal to look like amplicons
- <reference_genome>.fasta: fasta file with reference genome (e.g. hg38 human genome)
- <target_file>.bed: bed file with the coordinates of the target of interest and the flanking regions
- <sample_name>_target_extracted.fastq: fastq file containing amplicon-like sequences in forward orientation extracted from <sample_name>.fastq based on the bed file coordinates
- Xdrop_reads_extraction: directory containing temporary files
In the following, auxiliary scripts run either by CharONT.R or by are listed. These scripts should not be called directly.
Note: script run by
Note: configuration script, must be modified before running or CharONT.R.
Note: script run by CharONT_preprocessing.R if do_subsampling_flag variable is set to 1 in config_CharONT.R.
A test fast5 dataset obtained with DeepSimulator is provided. The datasets contains 1,000 reads simulating a heterozygous short tandem repeat expansion in DMPK gene. For full pipeline testing, decompress Test_het_tandrep_DeepSimulator.rar file and set the following options in the config_CharONT.R file:
do_in_silico_pcr <- 1
skip_demultiplexing_flag <- 1
If the pipeline completes successfully, the following results are produced.
If this tool is useful for your work, please consider citing our manuscript.
Grosso V, Marcolungo L, Maestri S, Alfano M, Lavezzari D, Iadarola B, Salviati A, Mariotti B, Botta A, D'Apice MR, Novelli G, Delledonne M and Rossato M. Characterization of FMR1 repeat-expansion and intragenic variants by indirect sequence capture. Front. Genet. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2021.743230.
For further information, please refer to the following manuscripts:
De Coster W, D'Hert S, Schultz DT, Cruts M, Van Broeckhoven C. NanoPack: visualizing and processing long-read sequencing data. Bioinformatics. 2018;34(15):2666-2669. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bty149
Li H. Minimap2: pairwise alignment for nucleotide sequences. Bioinformatics. 2018 Sep 15;34(18):3094-3100. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bty191. PMID: 29750242; PMCID: PMC6137996.
R Core Team (2017). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL
Li H, Handsaker B, Wysoker A, Fennell T, Ruan J, Homer N, Marth G, Abecasis G, Durbin R; 1000 Genome Project Data Processing Subgroup. The Sequence Alignment/Map format and SAMtools. Bioinformatics. 2009 Aug 15;25(16):2078-9. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btp352. Epub 2009 Jun 8. PMID: 19505943; PMCID: PMC2723002.
Leger et al., (2019). pycoQC, interactive quality control for Oxford Nanopore Sequencing. Journal of Open Source Software, 4(34), 1236,
Benson G. Tandem repeats finder: a program to analyze DNA sequences. Nucleic Acids Res. 1999 Jan 15;27(2):573-80. doi: 10.1093/nar/27.2.573. PMID: 9862982; PMCID: PMC148217.
Rognes T, Flouri T, Nichols B, Quince C, Mahé F. VSEARCH: a versatile open source tool for metagenomics. PeerJ. 2016 Oct 18;4:e2584. doi: 10.7717/peerj.2584. PMID: 27781170; PMCID: PMC5075697.
Katoh K, Standley DM. MAFFT multiple sequence alignment software version 7: improvements in performance and usability. Mol Biol Evol. 2013 Apr;30(4):772-80. doi: 10.1093/molbev/mst010. Epub 2013 Jan 16. PMID: 23329690; PMCID: PMC3603318.
Rice P., Longden I. and Bleasby A. EMBOSS: The European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite. Trends in Genetics. 2000 16(6):276-277
Vaser R, Sović I, Nagarajan N, Šikić M. Fast and accurate de novo genome assembly from long uncorrected reads. Genome Res. 2017 May;27(5):737-746. doi: 10.1101/gr.214270.116. Epub 2017 Jan 18. PMID: 28100585; PMCID: PMC5411768.