Command line helper for performing linear audio loudness normalization using ffmpeg's loudnorm audio filter. Performs the loudness scanning pass of the given file and outputs the string of desired loudnorm options to be included in ffmpeg arguments.
The program expects ffmpeg
to be in your PATH.
This program is a much simpler substitute for a ffmpeg-normalize Python script.
Developed using the wonderful Clap crate.
ffmpeg-loudnorm-helper is designed to work using your shell's command substitution capability.
Bash example:
ffmpeg -i -c:v copy -c:a libopus $(ffmpeg-lh normalized.mkv
Windows CMD:
for /f "tokens=*" %i in ('ffmpeg-lh') do ffmpeg -i -c:v copy -c:a libopus %i normalized.mkv
Full help available on --help
Developed with stable Rust.
To build the code, go to the project directory and run:
$ cargo build --release
The executable will be target/release/ffmpeg-lh
This is a small helper utility which achieves its intended functionality, but if you know how to improve it, file a bug report via Issues.
ffmpeg-loudnorm-helper licensed under GNU General Public License version 3;
for full details.